Wednesday 23 July 2014

Eyes are amazing

Dear Splodgies

Apologies for the lateness of the post, but I've been having a very stressful couple of hours. Needless to say, here I am! And I'm here to talk about eyes.

Can we just take a moment to consider how amazing eyes are? How eyes have evolved from something as simple as a patch of light sensitive cells on some tiny little creatures floating around in the sea? That these two little spherical organs on the front of our heads tell us so much about the world; and the vast majority of us take them for granted every day. And they tell our brain what all these pictures mean, so we can read and understand and learn. I think it's truly and in the proper sense of the word, awesome.

I think something else that is amazing about eyes is that every single person, even identical twins have unique irises that can be used to identify them. Both genetics and environment have a bearing on how your iris is coloured, so this is why identical twins will, at a distance, appear to have identical eyes, but upon close inspection will have minute differences.

I have something called heterochromia, which basically means that my eyes are two colours instead of one. Aside from being my lazy, rubbish at seeing eye, its the pretty one, so here's some pictures I took. Sorry they're a bit rubbish but it's hard to do on yourself when all you have is an iphone! 

Green and brown. Half and half. Split almost right down the middle. The other eye, the one that does most of my seeing for me, is considerably less interesting looking, and is a sort of murky brown colour, like someone had switched on the centrifuge in my right eye, but forgotten to do it in my left. And as it is less interesting, I didn't bother taking a picture of it. If you want one...just ask. Even if its weird. 

Anyone who finds this sort of thing interesting, but also enjoys a certain amount of fantasy fiction might enjoy this film- I've only watched the trailer, but I think its quite cool.

What about you? Are you, like me, fascinated by eyes and the process of vision? 

Tonight, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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