Saturday 26 July 2014

Its time to get serious...

....SERIOUS ABOUT CAKE! Because today I made an AWESOME blackcurrant drizzle cake. It was so delicious, it blew my mind. 

Basically, I made an ordinary cake mix (but with golden caster sugar and a lot more vanilla) and then layered it up with blackcurrants like this:

It needed a lot longer in the oven than it said, even though I had it on a fan-assisted mode and had it at the correct temperature. But it was delish. Anyway, then I made the drizzle bit, but I forgot to fill it with holes before I poured the drizzle-berryness on top. When its all cooked and set and everything, it should look a little something like this:

Serve with cream or ice cream... or both! Or none!!

Try out the recipe here:

Full credit for this recipe goes to whoever wrote that blog. Give it a go, its delish! Although I put 2oz extra blackcurrants in than the recipe said.

Today, this is me en route to pick up guests for tomorrow's post:

See you tomorrow!

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