Thursday 17 July 2014

Sensory Memory (As experienced by me)

Dear Splodgies

I've had a wonderful evening this evening- and on my walk home it got me to thinking "how do we remember things like this? Because its not like a film playing in my head, or at least it isn't for me. Its a lot more than just the things you see and the things you hear- its also the things you smell and taste and feel and think. I'm not an expert on memory or recall or anything, but isn't it true that a certain type of stimulus can trigger another type of memory? e.g. an audio stimulus triggering a visual memory? 

I dunno- maybe it is just me! Who knows? But for tonight, I will remember this evening with the smell of grass, the sound of swifts, the sight of the sunset and the feeling of good company.

 Let me know if you experience the same thing in the comments section

Today, this is me and an old friend :) :

See you tomorrow!

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