Friday 11 July 2014

Making a spectacle of myself

Hello friends! This is what I look like normally, when I'm wearing my glasses. 

And this is what I look like without my glasses on:

Now, it might just be me, but I feel like I look completely different without my glasses on. Most of the people I knew before I started wearing glasses are either my family or my life-long friends. All the others have since ebbed away or lost touch with. I first started wearing glasses when I was just about to turn 12 years old as far as I can remember, I had some what I would now consider utterly hideous blue metal oval glasses. Then some not much better grey ovals. THEN came the transition into rectangular glasses- which I am certain was the right choice. Even though they were a metallic, brown small frame. And that's also the point at which I started having braces on my teeth (they worked, but I didn't wear my retainer, so my overlap came back, but my lower teeth are all nice now!) 

Where was I? I'm losing my train of thought. Anyway! My point is, I feel like my glasses do actually alter my face quite dramatically. The downside of this however is that when you are choosing glasses you have to pick some that will go with whatever you are wearing (unless you have multiple pairs of glasses, which I used to have but its to expensive to keep doing!). I chose these fancy black FCUK glasses, because I really like them and I figured that if I have to wear them every day I should really like wearing them. So I do now!

But I think the big question is- Do glasses really make you look smarter/more intelligent/cleverer/(insert your preferred synonym here)? well you can judge for yourself in my case from the pictures above. What really bugs me are people who wear glasses to look smarter- because that's just stupid. For some unfathomable reason, these people feel the need to tell you that their glasses are non-prescription and thus revealing themselves as an idiot. I don't mind other people trying my glasses on, so long as they are careful, and don't have a massive head that would bend them out of shape. In fact, sometimes I even offer if I think my glasses would suit them.

What do you think? Do glasses drastically change a person's face? What about people that wear glasses that don't need them? Let me know in the comments.

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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