Tuesday 22 July 2014


So today, I'm blogging much earlier in the day because this topic has just come to me.


No! Not that sort of feelers, Rosa! You dolt!

I'm talking about...findy outy feelers. As you can probably tell from the fact that I even have a daily blog, I'm...not employed (although somehow I find myself incredibly busy). But I feel like I constantly moan in my head about not having the job I want. But I've been thinking more recently than that that I really ought to be trying harder to find the sort of job I want. I was shocked to find that it'd been over a month since I'd looked on the IdeasTap website for jobs; which is really great for creative types- its kind of like LinkedIn but for creative people and its actually helpful because they have an online magazine and everything! Its full of great articles about getting yourself out of a rut with regards to a creative career and even if you're not interested in that, it makes for a good read. I'd heartily recommend signing up for it.

And even though it'd been a while since I'd been on there, there were still only two jobs that I felt I was eligible for with my experience and qualifications, one of which I was apprehensive about because I'd not done that sort of job before- so I sent out an email to the people advertising the vacancy to ask if I could shadow the person they choose for the job so as to gain experience and further my eligibility on jobs that I actually apply for myself. I also applied for some cool-looking internships!! Ah... Why don't I do more of this?

...Pure laziness. I have to stop doing that. I am sure that if I was more proactive, I'd get further, faster. But there just sees to be something in my brain... what is it? The procrastination bug. But I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, because these jobs I'm going for never pay very well and on top of that I want to be able to afford to move out of my parents' house. So its more like "will this job pay me enough to get out and be independent" rather than "am I eligible for this position?" even though really I think both should be co-driving the vehicle of my life.

If I were to put my life into a car metaphor, I'd want it to be something like this:

...Vintage. Quirky. A little bit fun. Something you could throw rotting fruit from at pedestrians that had done you a personal wrong and then drive off cackling in and still look amazing.

However, my current metaphorical vehicle of my life is more like this: 

Red. Desperate. Rushing to a hospital for a career emergency.  And even then, it'd probably not be as exciting looking as this- more like a grey ambulance, if they exist. Ah well, at least it'd be taking my career to a hospital! And who knows, perhaps if I get this internship, it'll be exactly the medicine my career needs! 

What about you? Is your metaphorical career vehicle the way you want it to be? Do you put out feelers for those sorts of jobs that you really really want? Or do you need a bit more motivation? Let me know in the comments :)

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. update 1 month and 1 week later (ish) - I got the internship!! I moved house today and I start on monday!
