Friday 4 July 2014

The Bus.

Ok, so you know that feeling where you get on the bus and looks like this

And you are so RELIEVED because it means you can sit anywhere you like and not bother anyone. But when the bus is really busy, it seems like people would rather sit in the double empty seats rather than sit next to a stranger....? What's all that about?? I mean, I know some days you are just really stressed or pissed off and would rather not sit next to a sweaty smelly person, or next to someone who chooses to play loud, obnoxious music on their phone speakers rather than on headphones. 

It's sad really that society is in a place where the commute is more of a chore than a chance to potentially have an interesting conversation (I'll point back to my "Anonymity of Strangers" post where I had a great conversation with a stranger on the tram one night). And yes, I understand the dangers of befriending people you know absolutely nothing about, but in truth, some of my favourite friendshups have started like that. Example comes from a time I was telling my friends a joke in town 

Me: So there's two muffins in the oven. One says "its hot in here" and the other says "Aaaah! A talking muffin!"
Stranger: Oh my god! I know that joke!! Its fab!! 

Upon which we began our frienship. And I'm pleased to say that we remain friends to this day. Hi Fen, if you're reading! We were in the same youth drama group for a while too! So there ARE advantages to befriending a stranger. 

Also, what is that thing about the cool kids sitting at the back of the bus? By the way, the diagram of this bus is only accurate for double decker buses. For single decker buses or coaches, the cool kids sit at the back and the lame kids sit at the front. I never really understood that When I was at school, I'd always be sat very near the front as a mark of my social status within my secondary school class. It wasn't like I was sat alone, but it felt very much as if the rest of the bus could see me where I was sat, and I was just staring out of the front of the bus. Fairly recently, I got on an empty bus with a couple of friends and we sat at the back- and it occured to me I have never been at the back of the bus before. It was satisfying to know at that point, we were the coolest people on the bus.... but probably because we were the only people on the bus! 

What do you think? Should we talk to stranges on the bus? What about this bizarre bus seat social status hierarchy? Is it all as silly as it seems in my brain? Is there anyone else out there who just wants the bus to be clean, run on time and be affordable? 

Let me know in the comments :) 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow, splodgekins!

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