Sunday 6 July 2014

Holidays in the UK

Growing up, most of my holidays with my family were within the UK. Sometimes I would, admittedly feel a little jealous that I wasn't jetting off to exotic locations like some of my friends were doing. But for the most part I really enjoyed myself. Infact, looking back on it I really appreciate how much of the UK I have seen compared to a number of my peers. 

And yes, it was often accompanied by me having to spend time in the company of nobody but my family and this did sometimes lead to arguements and stuff, but that was just like it is at home anyway. The only difference was that sometimes I had to share a room with my brother or sister. And for the most part, I actually enjoyed being out in the middle of nowhere, so long as it was somewhere new and it wasn't constantly raining. So it wasn't like I felt hard done by for having not been to disneyland by the time I was ten. I've still not gone, and I must admit I'm not wildly enthused to go there even now, nearly 13 years later. 

I think one of the best things about going on holiday in the UK (and I mean not to a holiday resort where you all have your breakfast together and leave your kids at a creche and then come back to them at 6pm to find them sunburnt and full of sugar) is that you get to really appreciate how beautiful the UK is- here are some (quite old) photos of my holidays

So I don't need to get a plane anywhere to see beautiful places! Although that doesn't stop me wanting to. This year will be the first time in a long time I won't be going on holiday with my family. At the time the holiday was booked, I thought I wouldn't be able to, but now I am finding myself with (unless I am able to find a job) nothing to do over the summer, and no real money to go exploring on. So I'll have a few visitors to come and see me at home who I've not seen for a while and then maybe I'll go camping for a week or so with some friends. Who knows? I think really the best times are spent exploring new things with the people we love the most. So I'll be sad not to be going on holiday with my family, but I hope they have a nice time too! 

What do you think? Do you prefer to go on holiday in the UK (or whichever country you're from) or to go abroad? Let me know in the comments :) 

Today, this is me:

Ok, so technically this was yesterday, but the picture was too good not to use.

See you tomorrow!

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