Monday 14 July 2014

What I do when your plans don't go to plan

Hello there splodgearoos! 

Today I experienced something rather disappointing- my plans... did not go to plan. 

I had arranged to see my two friends, Persephone and Bernadette (pseudonyms ;) ) to have a picnic this afternoon and we were going to have a jolly time. But when I got to the place we were meeting up.... it was raining. Even though I had checked the weather and it had told me that it wasn't supposed to rain until later in the day. The following picture is pretty much unrelated, but it came up when I googled "raining on a picnic" and I thought it was hilarious so I thought I'd put it up as an illustration of how I felt about it raining on our picnic plans: 

I went to have a look at the plays section of the city library (which was shockingly understocked, there were less than 50 plays there, and they were crammed into the poetry section, which I found odd). My friend Persephone found me in there and suggested we surprise our friend Bernadette, who was on a delayed train, by meeting her at the station instead of in town. 

When we got to the train station, there were some students from the university there wearing university t-shirts that said "student helper" on the back. I found this a little strange considering that term time was over, so I asked one of them "are you here for the open day?" expecting to hear some instruction on how to get to the university, but she replied "well... no. We're here for the summer school. Do you need some help?" to which I blurted out "No thanks, we're natives." And turned back to my friend. It took a couple of seconds for the mortified look to appear on my face, but it did come. After a mildly embarrassing explanation of what we were actually doing there, planning to spring a surprise on a friend, they let us hide behind a row of them as the train we suspected had Bernadette on it pulled into the platform. And it worked! She was on the train and she was surprised!

We then decided to go stationary shopping. Not as in we bought the train station. Stationary as in pencils and files and pens and things. But we couldn't find anything we were looking for... so we just went and had some coffee and cake! Which was supatasty. Omnomnom. And after that I needed some sunglasses, because even though I own a pair, they are far too big for my head and kept falling off. Shortly after this we spent a VERY long time in a bookshop, but had an extremely enjoyable time :)

Then we went to my house, and had some tea. And I made a cake.

So I guess there are lots of alternatives when your plans go awry, but I can heartily recommend this kind of whimsical living on the fly as it is most enjoyable, particularly when spent with some very good friends :) 

Today, this is me between Persephone and Bernadette: 

See you tomorrow!

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