Saturday 12 July 2014

Conversation Rehearsal And Witty Comebacks.

Good evening splodgies!!

So I'm the sort of person who feels like they never have a witty comeback when I need one. Hence why I have what I like to call "The conversation rehearsal"

That's right. I admit it. I talk to myself, out loud, and frequently. But I think everyone does this. But nobody admits to it. So I'm breaking the trend! Particularly if its a serious conversation I will often attempt to rehearse it a lot of times. Despite the picture above (which was the best one I could find for what I'm trying to explain- coz seriously I tried several searches on google images and couldn't find one that actually looked like a conversation) - I rarely use a mirror for this sort of rehearsal. Usually I do it just before I go to sleep. 

Sometimes its for a particular conversation with a particular person, but more often than not I rehearse what I would've liked to have said in a conversation in the past- because its then that you come up with the best comebacks; retrospectively. Especially if, at the time, you were dumbfounded and couldn't think of anything to say at all. 

I also like to have speculative comebacks, and attempt to store them up in my memory for when I really need them, like during a sarcastic bitching match with a friend, or a metaphorical slap in the face from a member of the public. Of course though, it is as sods law dictates that I forget all these in the moment I need them most. Most of the time. I like to fight sarcastic fire with sarcastic fire. My comebacks, on the rare occasions when I get to use them are EXQUISTELY timed and witty and sharp. And I have no qualms boasting about this because it is so seldom that I get to use them. My friends can give testament to this, as it is usually in the presence of them, or directed to them that the comebacks are aimed... so... just ask someone who spends a lot of time with me. 

...or don't. I'm not gonna force you!

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

p.s. A great big congratulations to Barrie and Claire who got married today! CONGRATULATIONS! Much love to you both :) <3

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