Wednesday 16 July 2014

Preparation - can you ever be prepared for ANYTHING??

And when I say "Prepared for anything???" I don't mean its impossible to prepare for something, I mean is it possible to be prepared for any eventuality.

I often feel like I should be prepared... not in a :

 sort of a way...

More of a : 

  sort of a way, y'know? 

I often feel like the phrase "Always be prepared" is unhelpful though. Because it is possible to OVER prepare for something like an audition or an interview, or something were you feel like the guidelines are very set and those are the guidelines you need to prepare for. And then there are other situations like if you are planning for a picnic and you're not prepared for the rain to come because the weather app told you it'd be fine weather until 4pm. 

There is a REASONABLE amount of perparation can be done for most things though- but sometimes I take this to silly extremes. I am the sort of person who carries an emergency kazoo incase I find myself in a situation where I'm likely to need a silly buzzing sound. To be fair though I get myself into such strange and ridiculous situations that I think I'm more likely to need an emergency kazoo than most people. 

Anyway, back to reasonable preparation- I have to have a big enough bag to fit in all the follwing things that I need to perpare me for almost anything:
- inhalers antihistamines, painkillers and an epipen
- a notebook and pen
- keys
- wallet
- phone- always with a little bit of charge and enough credit/minutes to make a call
- emergency extra cash (which I usually end up spending on chocolate in trainstations whilst waiting for a delayed train)
- a compact umbrella (though I've currently misplaced mine) 
- an emergency kazoo
- various bits of paper with appointments on them
- training epipen 
- lip balm and eyeliner
- sometimes a copy of my cv
- sometimes a script or 3. 

....this way I feel like I can be prepared for...most things. Though perhaps the kazoo is taking things too far.

What do you think? how do you stay prepared for anything? any tips or tricks? Do you carry anything ridiculous?

Let me know in the comments :)

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!


  1. I always keep business cards from the places I've been in my wallet. So I can tell people about them or give them to others. I have yet to give one away.

    1. But now you're prepared for the moment you can whip one out and say "here's my card" I bet it'll be super satisfying. Anybody else keep business cards on them?
