Sunday 20 July 2014

Nostalgic Pleasures: Episode 1

One morning recently, I found myself clearing out the bread bin in my kitchen with Bernadette. Most of this was old, stale bread that wasn't fit for human consumption, even for toasting. So we took a considerable amount of bread and went to feed the ducks!!

This is something I'd not done for several years. It got me thinking that perhaps this is something I could do as a series on this blog- the nostalgic pleasures. There are lots of things that most people would associate with childhood, like feeding the ducks or baking with your mum or drawing just for the fun of it. Here are some pictures of the ducks/ swans/cygnets: 

I think there were some ducklings too, but we didn't manage to get any pictures of those because we were too busy trying to make sure that all the waterfowl got some bread! We also met a nice old lady who was out for a walk and stopped to join in the whole duck feeding event. I think really as children, we lived in the moment a lot more- so I've taken it upon myself to try and live in the moment a little more- cringe worthy though it sounds- and just enjoy things as much as I can. Do things just for the pure fun of it. 

What about you? Do you do childish things for the sake of a joyous nostalgia? Let me know in the comments :) 

Today, this is me and my good friend/ukulele pupil Sarah, with a tea cosy that had until moments before this picture was taken was upon my own head:

See you tomorrow!

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