Wednesday 2 July 2014

World's Quicket, Lamest Post

Ok Splodgies- 

Why is it that so few people carry around notebooks in their everyday bag these days? I am one of only a few people I know who do this. Its so useful!! And its very satisfying if you have a posh one like mine- I usually carry two, a small black moleskine and an A5 sized orange Lechturm one. This way I can choose which notebook I want to use according to the size of whatever it is you need to write/draw. 

Recently I have been using my larger orange notebook for: 

  • Designing my CD art for if/when I release a CD with my soon to be formed Ukulele band
  • Taking minutes at impromptu meetings
  • writing down my life plan
  • doodling
  • making small paper birds out of. 
and those are just the things I've used it for in the past day. There are thousands of potential uses!! So why don't people seem to carry them around anymore?! I think I blame smartphones. Yes, I have one myself, but I don't use it for extensive noting. Probably because I'm still getting used to touch screen and think its amazing that I have the internet in my pocket. But the point is people are turning to technology to for this sort of thing more and more. And whilst this isn't nescessarily a problem, I think there is something very aesthetically pleasing about the yellowy paper and a fountain pen. But maybe thats just me.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments. 

I am SUPER EXHAUSTED by the past couple of days. so I'm really sorry, but tonight I am just going to go to sleep- I promise I'll have a proper post for you tomorrow!! I had a good plan for today, but I have been super super busy. This won't happen again! I'll plan better!! 

Today, this is me- unimpressed by today's rubbishy post: 

See you tomorrow (When the blog will be better!)

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