Monday 21 July 2014

Seasonal Troubles: Summer Phase

Hello splodgies!

This evening I am a little late getting started on my post, so apologies for that first off. 

So I wanted to talk about something that might be affecting some of you at the moment. HAYFEVER. Now I've been seeing the same consultant for over 10 years and in that time I've been on a number of different hayfever treatments, none of which have worked especially well. However, my doctor has told me I can take up to four times the average person's recommended daily dose of Loratadine if I need to. My brother finds loratadine ineffective and prefers citirizine hydrochlroide. A friend of mine likes to take one of each every day during high pollen season. 

I've tried nasal sprays, tablets, staying indoors out of the pollen. Nothing seems to work. Have you ever had a sneeze so massive that it blew a hole in your tissue? Have you ever sneezed so many times in a row that you've made yourself so dizzy you're unable to stand up and you simply flop to the floor? Have you ever attempted to use nasal spray and found yourself unable to do so because you are already so bunged up that it simply just falls out of your face? Ever found that the correct use of a nasal spray makes all your food taste strange? Ever spent ridiculous amounts of money on local honey in the hope that eating it would get your body used to the local pollen? All these things have happened to me. The only one that is even remotely pleasant is the strange head rush that you can get from sneezing too many times in succession.

Anybody got any hayfever tips?! I could really do with some- I get headaches from being bunged up for so long and as its quite a common ailment, I was thinking perhaps some of you splodgies would be able to help me. Let me know in the comments!! 

Today, this is me chilling out with Bernadette:

See you tomorrow!

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