Monday 7 July 2014


I try to be as open-minded as possible when thinking about my potential. Of course this has to be something down with a realistic attitude at the same time- but I firmly believe that if I take hold of the right opportunities at the right time and put 110% into what I'm doing, then eventually I will get to where I want to go. Even if the final result comes slower than I want. I have to keep trying otherwise I have no excuse to complain that my life isn't working out the way I want it to.

I can't say for absolute certain, but I think that if more people took this attitude to their lives, both personal and professional then more people would be happy. Not to blow my own trumpet or anything, but I think that if people could motivate themselves enough to go after the things that are really important to them then they'd be able to acheive much more. You can see it in the people who have are already reaching their peak in their lives- whether its having a successful career or maintaining far away friendships to a happy health level- people measure success differently. Maybe its about making enough to live off and support yourself and your family if you have one. Maybe its about being the best at what you do. Maybe its about becoming famous. Perhaps its about making a big discovery or acheivement.

Whatever it is, nobody is ever going to get there by saying "I can't do this." because that either translates as one of the following:
- "I won't do this"
- "It's too much effort to do this"
- "I don't know how to do this"
- "I am afraid to do this"
- "I need help to do this"

All of which can be fixed with an attitude make over. Which is easy enough to say, but is obviously very different to put into practice. Sometimes it involves making a long term plan and working out how to get something in small stages. Often, if we need help to do something, asking for it can seem like a monumental task. But there is absolutely no shame in saying "Can you help me with this?" because at the end of the day, its you who is asking for the help so that you can acheive something.

In short- stop saying you can't do stuff, and you might suprise yourself and find that you can do stuff! You set your own limits, folks! You set your own bar. Its often an uphill struggle to improve yourself, but thats what makes it so worthwhile!

I thought I wouldn't be able to keep up with a daily blog! and now look at me!

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!