Tuesday 15 July 2014

The Frantic Thoughts of a Restless Mind

Dear Splodgies

I'm afraid its going to be another rather quick post, as given the title, I'm sure you'll understand. Today is more of a question posed to you than it is about my life. My question is: What do you do when your brain is trying to keep track of so many things, and is equally invested in them all, but cannot give enough to anything because it feels so stretched out? The thing is, even as an unemployed person, I'm feeling extremely busy. I'm not sure how to cope. I'm trying really hard to keep all the things I'm doing together, and to be honest I think I'm doing quite well. But I know I could do better. So I'm going to try :) 

What about you? Got any tips on how to keep your life on track as if it's a multi-arced TV show with lots and lots of cool, equally central characters that you get greatly invested in and don't want to cut anything out? Let me know, because if you know you should probably write a book and earn millions! ...or just tell me in the comments and I'll steal the idea ;) 

Tonight, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!


  1. I did this like 10 minutes ago: At night when it is dark and quiet, go outside and look up, like all the stars and stuff just put life into perspective, (this is where I get deep) up there, the universe the sky, so complex, I'm sure that in the beginning, like when the world was created by whatever force ( religion, big bang ect) it was unsettled, things got tense, it was working things out, like what star formations to put where for example, my point is that it takes a while to sort through things, everything takes time..... having a baby, getting a degree, making friends... all things in life... don't get rid of anything in your mind to make room for other stuff, you will simply adapt ! That is (what I believe) life is all about, taking time to work things out,

    Wow things got deep back there ! !

    Someone you may or may not know -X-

    1. Thanks, anonymous commenter! I have a feeling I may know who you are... and will ask the possible candidates for your identity in person :P But your advice is constructive! And will aim to use it whenever I can :) Thanks again,

    2. I am glad you found my advice useful and constructive, in regards to who I am.... I realize I can run but cannot hide, I suppose it is only a matter of time before you know who I am, but, for now just enjoy the fact that I am a friend,
      Oh and your welcome!
      I hope it helps you in your life's journey !

      Someone you definitely know -X-

    3. ah ha! Americanisation of realise! This narrows things down considerably :P I shall begin further investigations....

    4. Let the hunt commence ! I shall make a bet..... it will take about a week !
      Someone who is about to get busted-X-

    5. You will never guess .....

  2. Hello again,
    I am glad that what I said has helped in some way or another !
    And that you well use it constructively, in regards to my identity, I realize that I can run but not hide, that it is only a matter of time until you fined out who I really am, but, in the meantime, just enjoy having a friend that cares.
    Oh and your welcome,
    I might start following your blog... quite interesting,
    Someone you definitely know -X-
