Sunday 27 July 2014

Hi. I'm a twin.

G'day there, splodgies!

As many of you know, I am a twin. So I only know what its like for ME to be a twin, with my twin. I asked another pair of twins I know about how they feel about being twins-

Here were the things that Lauren and Maxine had in common with Amber and I. Upon meeting you for the first time (or finding out you're a twin) people almost always say one or more of these:

  • "Oh my god! Are you identical?" this happens even if you are standing next to your twin, and its obvious either way if you're identical or non-identical.
  • " are you two psychic then? Can you hear each others thoughts/feelings?" The answer is no. However, we get asked it so often that sometimes we say yes, along with something like "but she's out of range at the moment- it doesn't work over long distance"
  • "Wow! what's it like?" ....what's it like? People ask you questions. Usually I reply with "What's it like not being a twin?" which usually is responded with a confused face and a splutter.
  • Who's the evil one?
  • Who was born first? 
These questions are super predictable and happen almost every time. The only other thing I hear is "Really? Me too!" which is always interesting! 

As we went on, we drew up a list of pros and cons of being a twin (My mum chipped in with some of her own points about carrying twins etc). So here we go with the pros! :
  • Having an almost guarunteed ally
  • Not having to wait alone somewhere when meeting up with a group of friends
  • Having the relatability of growing up in the same family at the same age
  • its a conversation starter!! 
  • People tell you you're special. Which is always nice!

There were also cons though- some of these were contributed by my mother:

  • People compare you to each other ALL THE TIME. They can't help themselves, but its still extremely annoying.
  • people call you "double trouble" 
  • People are shockingly ignorant of how twins come to be... its basically the same as a single baby pregnancy... but with two babies. The science is NOT complicated. 
  • You miss each other. I've not seen my twinny since March! we do talk fairly frequently though so its not like we're not on good terms or anything!
  • When you're young, parents sometimes dress you the same (particularly for identical twins) and this means finding your own identity can be more of a struggle than it needs to be. 

Lauren and Maxine are a very different pair of twins to myself and Amber, but they say that this is probably due to the fact that, personality-wise at least, they are much more similar people than me and Amber are. I have found that Amber and I get on a lot better when we're not living together and that way, I guess we make more of an effort to be nice to each other when we do visit. During school and teenhood etc, we were often at each others throats a lot, but this got better after we stopped sharing a room. Now she has her room, and I have mine. It has helped a lot to have my own space! 

There are some twins that give twins a REALLY bad name- case in point, Jedward and the Olsen twins. There are probably more but I can't think of any famous ones right now. 

What do you think about twins? Are you a twin? Are you one of those people that says to twins "I wish I had a twin..."? Let me know in the comments- I don't often get comments, but this time I'm more interested than usual as to what you all think! 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!


  1. I enjoyed your post! I do not have a twin, or even a sister for that matter. Still interesting topic to discuss. Btw, you look lovely in your photo ;)

  2. aww! thanks! You can be my honourary state-side twin if you like!

  3. we're twins... BUT WE'RE NOT RELATED

    (had to be done)
