Friday 25 July 2014


Hey splodgies. 

So. Marmite. I LOVE IT.

....but some people hate it. That's kinda the thing about marmite- its love it or hate it. Or at least that's a slogan they use. Here's an entertaining ad campaign that Marmite ran a few years ago: 

However, despite the "Love it/Hate it" slogan, there seems to be some sort of... middle ground people. Some people who are indifferent to its sticky brown deliciousness. ...Who are these bizarre people? Marmite is BINARY!!! One or the other! No grey area!! what is this rise in the indifference? Clearly these people have never had scrambled egg on marmite on toast. Or gone downstairs for breakfast on a cold cold morning and had a slice of toast topped with marmitey goodness. 

These people confuse me a great deal.

And also, those who HATE marmite, I have this to say to you- You're wrong. Marmite is the best. its so intensely delicious that you simply can't handle it. I bet you can't handle other delicious things too, like olives or sun dried tomatoes or chili chocolate.  You're missing out. Its great to put in soups and stews and things too!! Marmite is great. Infact its so great I might have to go for a marmitey snack round about now. 

To the marmite lovers of this world, KEEP AT IT! Buy all the marmite merchandise you can, eat marmite every day. In my house we go through a giant 500g jar every two weeks! And that's when we're not eating much. 

There are several limited edition versions of marmite, including extra strong, marmite with guiness, marmite with champagne and golden marmite. I have tried all of these and still have some of the golden marmite. 


What do you think? Are you a marmite lover? Are you a marmite hater? (If so, go away, I can't even look at you) Are you a marmite indifferent-er? Let me know in the comments

Today, this is me and my mum just after having had an ice cream in the sunshine: 

See you tomorrow!

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