Sunday 28 December 2014

Goodbye, 2014!

Hello Splodgies!

As you might have guessed from today's title, this will be my last blogpost of the year! Because tomorrow I'm going away for New Years with some family and friends. Normal blog posting will resume on the 2nd of January. So from me to you, I hope you have a wonderful New Years Eve and have a happy, healthy, productive 2015 :) 

In other news, today Troy and I found what appeared to be a butterfly that had been hibernating in my room. There we were watching cartoons and minding our own business when there was a fluttery noise at the window, and we realised it was a butterfly... like, an actual butterfly. In the middle of winter. I had no idea where it had come from. Or how long it had been in my room. But today it decided to wake up a bit early. Troy says it is a monarch butterfly. 

We were in a bit of a dilemma because it we put it outside it would most certainly die from the cold very quickly. But it wouldn't survive indoors either. In the end we decided to keep it in the warm:

For all those interested, it's living in a small cheese box with a jam jar lid with sugary water in it, and a grape cut in half. That's all we could think of to do for it. Except it's in the dark with the box under a t-shirt that I rarely wear (despite the fact that it features a giraffe- its more the fact that the giraffe has huge eyes and looks incredibly shifty) and on my desk so it is flat and safe. The hope is that it will survive the winter and when the weather starts to get warmer, somebody will be able to let it outside. I'll have to make sure that someone regularly replaces the sugary water. And the grape. Although not always with another grape, I'm sure it'd like some variety in it's diet.

I'm open to suggestions for the butterfly's name, but I would recommend gender-neutral names. As I am not a lepidopterist (for all those interested, I already knew the term, and did not look it up so am holding my head high despite the heavy mass of knowledge in my skull) sexing the butterfly has been rather difficult. So I'm thinking nothing that is very definitely either male or female. Like, not Felicity or Boris. 

After the butterfly debacle Jack arrived and we all went out for some blues and some booze. Which is a pleasing rhyme. 

On my way home the moon was out and looking very dramatic. I tried to take a picture of it in all it's drama, but this was the best I could manage at the time: 

It was very starry out I promise! Also in this picture is the back of my primary school, for anyone interested in my early years of education. 

Tonight, this is me: 

See you tomorrow Next year! 

Saturday 27 December 2014

Daft Advice

Hello Splodgies! 

Today, I saw a sign. It made me laugh, because it concerned "soft plastic shoes" that were clearly meaning crocs. So I took this picture: 

I did have some more funny thing to say about daft signs that give advice. But I'm super tired and it's late! Are you in favour of crocs? If you are, please justify yourself in the comments. Comfort is NOT an excuse. There are plenty of seriously comfy shoes that are not hideous. 

If you are like me and don't like crocs, please comment with your story about how you came to this conclusion!

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

Friday 26 December 2014

Boxing Day Blogtimes

Hello Splodgies!

Today there was a party in my house: 

This mainly involved us getting overly stressed about tidying/ having enough booze/ having enough food/ getting everything ready in time. Which in the end turned out to be justified as some folks turned up early which though was not unpleasant was a bit inconvenient. 

We had the annual Emma Bates visit, which was lovely. And I got to catch up with lots of folks I'd not seen in a while. I'm still in shock that some of the people I now consider friends that are my little brother's age are now going off gallivanting around the world by themselves. I remember when they were tiny tiny little things!! Either way, everybody is growing up! How strange. I had a lovely evening. And now I can barely keep my eyes open, so having replied to the atheist basher on youtube, and told them actually I am very happy with my life; having finished this blog post; having had my cup of peppermint tea it is now time for bed :) Goodnight everyone! 

Today, this is me and my twinny with out friend Roly in the middle:

See you tomorrow!

Thursday 25 December 2014

A Christmas Day Blog

Good evening, splodgies! 

I hope you've all had a lovely peaceful Christmas day. And if you don't celebrate christmas, I hope you've had a lovely, peaceful December 25th! 

Here's a little bit of what my day looked like:

It was mostly very christmassy looking like this ^^^ But we did of course have the obligatory petty arguments about x y and z and we watched the annual misery-fest that is the Christmas episode of EastEnders. Strangely, nobody on the programme died. 

I got some very excellent Christmas gifts too- including this adorable Totoro hoodie!! 

Now I can literally be Totoro whenever I want!! 

Today, this is me and my silly marvellous parental units:

See you tomorrow!

p.s. I am going to be taking a breif hiatus from the blog over the new year, as I am going to be away most of that time and I suspect there will be no internet where I am going. YES. I can last without the internet. Rest assured that there will be lots of pictures upon my return! 

Wednesday 24 December 2014

(Very) Last Minute Christmas Things

Hello Splodgies!

As I type this it is 00:46. So technically it is already Christmas Day, but I don't count it as Christmas Day until I've gone to sleep on Christmas Eve, and this is my blog so it's my rules.

Today was the last of A Present For Santa. Here's a picture of us stood against the present wall, with a newcomer to the DailySplodge blogposts- Sarah, who is (is? I mean was. It makes me sad that this is now in the past tense) our stage manager whom we share age-related bantz with: 

We had so much fun with this little show, but I must admit that I am glad to be having a break from it now, I have been totally exhausted! It was great to have my dad and my sister and my friend Troy come to see the show on our closing performance which was really nice. Whilst in the pub with some friends this evening, I found out that someone's Aunt had been to see the show "The one with the singing, dancing ukulele playing elf". Which was the majority of what I did in the show. 

I had been planning on very quickly making mince pies when I came back from the pub but everyone in the house had neglected to remember to tell me that we didn't have a functioning food processor which meant I would have to make the pastry by hand- which was by no means challenging, but was considerably more time consuming with very cold butter. Anyway, this is the result! 

They got out of the oven at 00:25. Perhaps a little over done, but nothing too drastic. They won't be uneatable. Those attending Ye Olde Boxing Day Do will have the opportunity to try one and tell me if I really messed up. Or not. As the case may be.

Now that all the mince pies are sorted and cooling down under some kitchen paper, I can go to bed and have a nice sleep. 

Today, this is me and Becca making a comical attempt at being incognito at the bar whilst ordering our lunch:

Often after a morning show, families will stay and have lunch in the cafe downstairs and children will point and stare and say things like "look! its the elves!" and try to engage us in Santa-related conversation. We usually make a big joke out of trying to hide our faces. Sometimes I even take off my glasses in a vain attempt to not be recognised. I imagine this is something like what it feels like to be an A-List celebrity, except all my fans are under 5. 

Hope you all have a wonderful, peaceful, relaxing Christmas. 
See you tomorrow!

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Cute Things, Sweeties And Scars

Hello Splodgekins!

Before I get started, I need to share this video that my sister put on Facebook that I've been sharing with everyone because its so cute: 

Anyway - I was going to post about this yesterday but after all the drama I changed my mind and I'll post about this today. 

Around Christmas time, it seems that lots of people bring GIANT tubs of sweets into work. And I'm not complaining- I LOVE chocolate. But inevitably, by the time I get there, all the best ones have gone already. But I'm not sore about that because I still like most of the ones that people leave behind which is why my coat pocket looked like this when I came out of work today:

It seems to me that the ones that get left behind the most often are the milky ways and the mars bars but the ones that are almost certain to be lying at the bottom of the tub having not been metaphorically picked for the proverbial netball team are the bountys. I don't like bountys. I am just not a massive fan of coconut is all, because of the texture. Also its always a milk chocolate bounty in the blue wrapper- I might be more inclined to give a dark chocolate bounty a go. But I am quite the fan of the milky way, so when I saw the tub with almost nothing else in it, and Alison encouraged me to take as many as I could (as there were literally two unopened tubs in the green room and a box of miniature heroes had been polished off the day before) I didn't feel too guilty about loading up one of my pockets with tiny versions of ordinary chocolates- because being tiny makes them more exciting, obviously. 

...In case anyone guessed, I was very rarely picked for the netball team. And every time I played for my house at school I ended up with scars on my knees from making dramatic dives for the ball (which were usually successful, but once you're on the floor game play seems to stop, what with the blood pouring out of your palms and knees. You'd think they'd pick me more often what with my willingness to literally risk my skin to play well for my team. But no. The main problem with allowing the team captain, a fourteen year old girl, to choose their own team is that they pick their friends whenever possible). I still have the scars. Damn you, York House netball!! I have lots of knee scars, but the netball ones have the most boring stories, so I resent them the most. 

Today, this is me having woken up from another studio nap betwixt shows:

See you tomorrow!

Monday 22 December 2014

Flashing Blue Lights

Hello Splodgies! 

We got a nice review for Present For Santa! Have a read here if you like:

A number of things have happened today that were...strange. 

Firstly, out of our two shows today, it was the morning one rather than the afternoon one that was super lovely and full of well behaved children who got involved and didn't run across the stage. And the afternoon show had some kids in it that were too old to be at the show, but not old enough to put up and shut up. They were swinging legs on the stage and kicking the train as it came past. Later on one of them spat at me. How unkind :( It made me feel sad all evening. 

What made me feel even sadder was hearing the news about the crash in Glasgow. I hope that everyone knows where their loved ones are and have been able to contact them.

When I came home this evening, I was sat doing my usual computer business and there were some flashing blue lights outside my window:

Two fire engines, two police cars and a first responder from the ambulance service. I stood on my window sill, opened the window wide and tried to make out what was going on. I even pressed my hands to the wall shared with the house next door to see if it was hot- there might have been a fire on the other side! But there didn't seem to be. I saw an old woman wrapped in a coat that didn't seem to be hers being led into the house two doors down from me and a man following up behind her talking to the fire service people who were all in their fire battling gear and putting on masks and things. At first I thought there must be a fire, but I couldn't smell smoke or see any flames up the street. But the longer I looked, the more emergency vehicles came, and I decided I should probably go and see if there was anything I could do to help, as I had an almost empty house and could probably provide a place for people to sit and receive treatment for minor injuries whilst I made cups of tea or something like that. 

So I went outside and waited for the two policemen and the four fire fighters to stop talking and said something almost vomit-inducingly British: "Um.. is there anything I can do? Does anybody want a cup of tea or anything?" ... turns out they were all ok for tea. I mumbled something about having left my window open so they could shout if they changed their minds.  They didn't. 

I never found out what had transpired, but I suspect if I buy a local newspaper the day after tomorrow (as I suspect the event occurred after tomorrow's paper had gone to print) then I might found out. 

Today, this is me having just woken up from my nap on the studio seating under one of the show blankets:

See you tomorrow!

Sunday 21 December 2014


Hello my chumz!

How are you all today? I for one am shattered and shall be going to sleep as soon as this blog has been finished and shared on various platforms. 

Before I get started, please take a minute to appreciate this amazing display in a dog walker shop window: 

TRES amazing, I think you'll agree. For my non-British pals, this is a pun on Strictly Come Dancing, which I'm told is called Dancing With The Stars in other places. 

We had another couple of shows today! But because it was a Sunday, I had to get the dreaded 7.15am bus into Keswick this morning. That's even more dreaded than my first trip on the 555. Wanna know why?? BECAUSE NOT EVEN BOOTHS WAS OPEN FOR ME TO GET COFFEE AT THAT TIME. ...Fortunately, the Wetherspoons was, and having never been in there before, I was pleasantly surprised when there was a proper fire, a nice quiet relaxing atmosphere and a vegetarian breakfast available for me to kill an hour with whilst I waited for the working day to begin. 

In other good news, my twinnyo has done something rarely done/seen and joined the family in Lancaster. Well, it is Christmas afterall! And she and my Paparr shall be coming to see the show on Christmas Eve too. Which means I get a lift back and don't have to worry! Muahahahaaa! 

Anyway, sorry this is so short- I'm utterly exhausted! I shall be for the next couple of days, I'd imagine. But I'm still going to post every day!

Today, this is me feeling very sleepy on the bus home:

See you tomorrow!

p.s. like my new green hoodie??!

Saturday 20 December 2014

The Worst Way to Wake Up

Hello Splodgekins!

Today, I had THE WORST waking up ever. By text- a message saying "when does your bus get in?" from Becca. I looked at the time. It was 08.08. I should have got on the bus at 07.50. Here are some pictures that accurately describe my feelings: 

What was slightly amazing was that I was out of the bed, and got dressed, locked my door, grabbed my lunchbox in the fridge (which I later accidently left at work) and got out of the house in approximately 90 seconds. I literally FLEW out of the house, hoping that the next bus, which was due at 08.10 would be late and I could catch it. It wasn't. I was DOOOOOMED. The next bus would not get me in until 10 minutes before the show was due to start. So, naturally I had a panic attack. And an asthma attack. I looked for a taxi that could get me in, but none that I phoned could get me in any quicker than the bus because of prebooked journeys etc. 

I felt like I could've done with a copy of this: 

If I'd known where my towel was, I probably wouldn't have gotten in such a pickle. Nevertheless, I was worried that I'd have caused the show to be cancelled and upset lots of little children! After exchanging a number of semi-coherent texts with Becca, I decided to call my boss- who fortunately calmed me down and very kindly got up and came to drive me to the theatre. I was massively relieved but still in panic mode.  Whilst waiting for her to come and pick me up, I realised that the reason my alarm had not gone off, even though I had double checked when I went to bed that I had set the alarm for the right time, was that the default on my phone (for some ridiculous, and unknown reason) is to have the alarm set to "repeat weekdays". Today is not a weekday. Today is Saturday, and thus my alarm did not go off at all. 

Tomorrow morning, I have to get an even earlier bus than the one I should've got today because Sunday buses are a lot less frequent than weekday and Saturday buses, meaning that I'll arrive in Keswick over an hour before I actually need to be there. And my usual breakfast cafe for days such as this will not be open. However, I've decided to be savvy and do some research! It turns out the Wetherspoons in Keswick will be open from 7am, so though I shall breakfast alone (is breakfast a verb??) I shall still be able to eat something before the show and be protected from the elements and so on. 

Today, this is me, trying to recreate/mock my reaction face upon realising I'd overslept:

See you tomorrow!

p.s., incase anyone was wondering, both shows went well. I had a particularly nice afternoon. 

Friday 19 December 2014

A Postal Fuss/ Rant.

Hello Splodgies!

I had one hell of a morning today.  First of all, I had to get out of bed. And we all know how unappealing that can be when your bed is warm and cosy and the rest of your house is considerably less so. After saying goodbye to my mum who was off to work, I cleaned some eggs and made sure everything was packed in my backpack and ready for me to go to work. I spied my "Sorry we couldn't deliver your parcel" slip on the top of some CD shelves and as I had an hour and a half before my train was due, I thought I'd go to the post office and pick it up.

When I got there, I queued for about 15 minutes before it was my turn, and I was aware that there was going to be a £3.08 charge "because the sender didn't pay enough postage". I had been expecting this and wasn't too worried. Then the man behind the glass got very confusing, because he brought my parcel out and explained to me that it should've been delivered by DHL and that they should pay the charge, so I asked if I could take the parcel then. He said no, because the charge still had to be paid for. I said I'd pay for it, and handed over my debit card as I didn't have any cash or change on me at the time. This is where it gets really outrageous- he told me that I couldn't pay on card. I asked why there wasn't a sign on the window explaining that you could only pay in cash. He pointed to the back of the slip which said "You will need to bring ID and a form of payment" so I said "I've BROUGHT a form of payment!" and waved the little purple rectangle of plastic in frustration. I asked again why there wasn't a sign, and he just said "We don't have the facilities" and by this point I was getting so frustrated I said "You don't have paper and pen? You can't put up a sign that says cash only?" 

his only reply being "we don't have a card machine"- I mean... why don't they have a card machine?!? This is Royal Mail! In the end he said he'd put it to the side for me whilst I went and got cash, but that I'd have to queue again. The effin' nerve!! Eventually I managed to get my parcel, but the next time I went back it was a different employee who served me and they seemed to take a monumentally long time to come back with £6.94 change. I didn't thank them when I left. They hadn't deserved it. I understand that they're a lot busier at this time of year and they're stressed, but there is absolutely no excuse to put someone with such abysmal people skills behind a counter. 

By this time I was running late and I was worried I wouldn't get to my train in time. I had to go back home for my backpack first and then nommed down some fruit for breakfast and eventually got to the train station about 30 seconds before my train arrived. Which meant I didn't have time to buy a ticket. Which meant I couldn't use my railcard on the train- even though I swear I've been allowed to use a railcard whilst buying a train ticket on a train before. Which meant I was £17.50 out of pocket. And then I had to wait 20 minutes in the freezing cold wind for a bus. At least the bus was cosy and quiet. And I made significant pokemon progress! 

In more positive news however, my show went well this afternoon, despite having a little stage invader and a child vomiting on the set near the end. I feel bad for stage management because it's them that have to clear it up :( but I had to rush off to get my bus. Sorry, folk!! We had a reviewer in today too, but nobody was able to tell me who the reviewer was or where it was going to be published... I've done some googling, but I wasn't seriously expecting it to come out this evening. Maybe tomorrow! 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

Thursday 18 December 2014

Ridiculous Christmas Family Traditions

Hello Splodgies! 

Sorry I'm so late posting tonight, I've got a little held up decorating the Christmas tree! 

....No, this isn't our tree. But I'm going to take a Polaroid of the real tree in the morning :) 

Here follows a list of traditions that MUST be followed when my family celebrates Christmas: 

  1. Prior to decorating the Christmas tree, there must be a great big hunt for the lights. The lights MUST go on first. This is Amber and Nick's job. If Amber is not here, Rosa (that's me!) takes her place.The lights must first be plugged in and switched on, and Nick must say "good, they're all working" only to find later when they are on the tree that some of them don't work. There must be a "2 sets or 3 sets" debate which always ends the same way. 
  2. During tree decoration after lights there must be some universally-agreed-to-be-crappy Christmas music playing and silly dancing. On the top of the tree we don't have an angel or a star, we have the sun and the moon. Because we're weird like that. 
  3. After the tree is finished, all the lights in the room are switched off and the tree lights switched on. Everyone then enjoys a mince pie. 
  4. On Christmas morning, rubbish children's TV is watched and stockings are opened. 
  5. On Christmas day, its presents after breakfast, but before presents Ruth must try and fail to light a fire. Someone else then succeeds at lighting a fire.
  6. Then follows the obligatory tidy up and vegetable prep. 
  7. An awkward family photo must be taken at Christmas lunch
  8. Those who don't go for a post-lunch walk tidy up the kitchen.
  9. TV Christmas specials are watched. There is a debate as to whether we need another meal. The answer is usually no, but we light a Christmas pudding on fire. 

Today, this is me, very ready to go to sleep: 

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Return of the 555

Hello there splodgies!

Today has been something of an odd day- Because I got up at a weird time, a bit later than usual, but still during the middle of a sleep cycle. But it didn't really matter because I had breakfast (or brunch, whatever- it was like 10.30) hopped on the bus and headed off for work. Which was super fun we had lots of children come and enjoy the show! 

Though the 555 proved to be another long journey in the dark, it was Poké-productive [for all those interested, I evolved my eevee into an umbreon, caught a shroomish, evolved that into a breloom and found a thunderstone amongst my top achievements] 

Lancaster hasn't changed much- except for the huge number of wagtails that have appeared apparently by magic in some trees in town near horse-shoe corner. I'll have a proper look at them tomorrow. Still rainy, still full of traffic at 7pm.

My family hasn't changed either- still late, still with silly senses of humour. I can still affectionately call my brother a little sack of shit, and nobody minds. 

Sorry this post is short and lame. I'm tired! And I've been busy :) 

Today, this is me and my mum. It's her birthday! Happy Birthday, Ruthie! :

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Performance Enhancing Drugs

Hello my fine chums! 

Today was our second day of performance. 

Usually when I get to Keswick in the morning, Becca and I will go and have breakfast in booths, usually consisting of a toasted teacake and a hot caffeinated beverage. Our first show was to begin at 11am, which was fine because we and the tech team had to do our last final checks, warm up and do a few other things. 

By the time we were about to get on stage for the first time that day (the schedule is usually for a show in the morning and another in the afternoon) and I tragically hit a caffeine crash. I simply didn't feel the energy required to be tip top in that show. But the show must go on! So I did my best and we had a good show.

After we'd had out lunch, perhaps 20 minutes before the afternoon show was about to begin, I decided to have another cup of coffee- AND IT MADE SO MUCH DIFFERENCE!! Performance enhancing drugs- in this case, caffeine- were exactly what I needed. My voice was clearer, my energy was up, I feel like I just perfomed better in general! I think one of two things needs to happen. Either:

A) Don't have coffee at breakfast, have it when 20 minutes before the start of each show.

B) Have coffee at breakfast time, and then have an additional cup 20 minutes before the start of each show. 

...three cups of coffee a day seems like an excessive amount of caffeine intake. But I really like having a hot beverage at the beginning of the day, and because I have a booths card it means I can have a free hot drink every day. Waste it on a herbal/fruit tea? Maybe? I don't know. What do you think? 

Option A or Option B? Let me know in the comments! 

Given that I don't consider myself a massive caffeine head (though I am admittedly a coffee snob) I just have coffee when I have time to brew it in the mornings, which isn't every day. I don't want to become a caffeine addict, but I suppose there are some things that are much more dangerous to be addicted to/ withdraw from. 

Today, this is me Becca and Fuzz before our second show:

See you tomorrow!

Monday 15 December 2014

Present For Santa

Hello Splodgekins! 

Today was the first day opening of A Present For Santa. I think it went pretty well! We had lots of very small human beings coming up to us at the end who seemed very cheery and happy. The first performance went exceptionally well in my opinion, and though the second was more challenging than the first (because of the age of the children, mostly) it still went well. 

To me, it's super exciting (and in some ways, super important) that this might be some of these little people's first experiences of theatre! Isn't that cool?? One day, one of these kids might go to a university interview or an audition and be asked a question along the lines of "What made you want to become involved in performance/drama/theatre?" and they might answer "When I was 2-5 years old, my parent(s)/Nursery did a trip to a christmassy show, and I enjoyed it so much I wanted to do something like that myself ever since!" 

People remember their first time of things like that! And its an honour and a privilege to be that. ...Potentially, anyway. 

Today, this is me in my elf outfit looking ridiculously festive:

See you tomorrow!

Sunday 14 December 2014

A Day of Deserved Nothingness


Today, I did nothing. Because yesterday was so busy and my upcoming week will also be super busy. I didn't even get out of my pyjamas. My day was so uneventful I'm not even going to share this blog post on facebook. Hope nobody minds! 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

Saturday 13 December 2014

I Accidently Thought It Was Friday...

Ahoy there dear splodgy chums! 

Today when I came home from work, I made the daft mistake of thinking it was Friday. This is because I don't usually work on a Saturday, and I'd had a particularly long day in rehearsal and tech. And when I say "A long day" I don't mean a terrible day with lots of obstacles that were difficult and and complicated to overcome, I literally just mean that I was at work for a longer time than normal, as our show goes up on Monday so we had to make sure everything was sorted. 

Today I travelled to work on the bus and was able to get some decent photos of the snowy scenery. I snapped this picture to some of my friends under the caption "What? Am I in the Alps?" 

Upon my arrival at work (this is about 20m from the door to the theatre) I snapped another one of these "this is ridiculously beautiful place to work" pictures: 

I sometimes take the beauty of the lake district for granted, but particularly when it is like that it was today, or any day where the weather is really clear and you can see right across the lake and up into the mountains, I can frequently be heard to say what I am slightly worried will become my catchphrase, "Just fucking look at this!" whilst gesturing to the scenery around me. 

Shortly after Becca arrived it started snowing, so in our childishness we went outside and ran around in the snow for a little while until we got too cold/damp and decided to go and actually start working properly.  

When we left we had to wait a little bit for the bus, so we mooched around Booths for a few minutes, and we came across this ale:

We found this terrible funny because we play a couple of elves in this show we're in at the moment- elves with the personalities of 5 year olds. So the idea that either Tingle or Twirl (those are the characters we play) could be criminally bad elves was nothing short of hilarious! 

Today, this is me ready to go for a frolic in the snow: 

See you tomorrow!

Friday 12 December 2014

Gratuitous Hot Water Bottle?

Good evening Splodgekins! 

Just a short post for today, I'm afraid. 

Anyway, as promised- here is a picture of snow on the mountains. I was leaving work at an earlier time than usual, and it uncommon for me to be heading back in the daylight now that the nights are drawing in, and are almost at their most drawn in, in fact! Sorry the image is a bit blurry, I was on a moving bus at the time, but I took several and this is the best one I could come up with: 

Dramatic, yes?! Yes.

Anyway, on to the proper topic of today's blog: 

The past few nights I've thoroughly enjoyed having a hot water bottle to sleep with. My hot water bottle looks virtually identical to the one in the picture, but not as nice. Not only has it been nice for my mystery knee pain, but it's been really nice to have a warm core of something to cuddle when I'm curled up in bed. 

But really... I don't particularly need it. The heating actually works in my room, even if it comes on at funny times. It's more for comfort than for an actual function. My gratuitous use of hot water bottles does however give me the opportunity to use one of my favourite words- gratuitous, that is! One of the best things about having a hot water bottle is that when you wake up, it's still a little bit warm from the night before- although this isn't every time, it certainly was this morning. 

Let me know what you think; is my hot water bottle usage truly gratuitous? Or is it a harmless addition to my sleep routine that comes with winter? Give me your opinion in the comments! 

Today, this is me (unintentionally demonstrating that I have a lazy eye): 

See you tomorrow!

Thursday 11 December 2014

Post number 200!

What up, splodgearoos! 

Today is blogpost 200! I have no idea how to celebrate this momentous occasions, as on my 100th post I made a list of 100 lists I should make. It being 2 minutes past midnight and me having to get up in the morning dissuades me from writing another 200 things, so instead I've decided to write a list of all the things I can think of that might take 200 minutes to do: 

  1. One of Jamie's 30 minute meals if you don't do all the prep
  2. Watching one of the cinema cut editions of Lord of The Rings installments 
  3. Skim reading every blog post I've ever written
  4. Tuning a piano
  5. Listening to whatever crap is in the top 40 
  6. watching the Eurovision song contest
  7. Climbing a medium sized mountain
  8. walking around a big lake
  9. driving to manchester from here
  10. flying to Germany
  11. doing one of the challenges in GBBO
  12. working out why you have your guilty pleasures. And why you're guilty about them!! 

....I can't think of anything else right now... my brain is fried!! 

So I shall tell you what I did today instead:

I had a nice lie in, got my groceries, went to Cockermouth and finished my christmas shopping and came back and Skyped with Ashley. T'was good! But I'm gonna go to bed now :) 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow! 

p.s. sorry this post is so lame...

Wednesday 10 December 2014


Hello my fine chums!

Today has been a stressful day for many reasons, including a friend being in hospital, recording music, suddenly being tall, rushing madly across West Cumbria and restringing yet another ukulele (this time its for a show though).

Something that stressed me out on my bus journey has been mentioned on facebook and I shall also explain about it here. 


I play pokemon when I'm on the bus to work sometimes. Today, for the first time EVER whilst playing pokemon (bearing in mind that I've been playing for quite some time) I legitimately encountered a shiny pokemon. It was the one as pictured above- a pinsir. The normal pinsir is just brown and grey (for those not familiar with pokemon, a shiny pokemon doesn't mean that it is actually shiny, it just means that it has different colouring to normal pokemon- the odds of encountering one without using cheat codes are close to 1 in 9000) so naturally I was phenomenally excited to come across this particular one.

Unfortunatley for me, I had been minding my own business in the resort area training up some of my lower level pokemon (trying to level up 5 pokemon from levels in their 20s to up in their 50s is hard all at the same time) and all but my strongest pokemon had fainted so I was rushing off to a pokecentre to heal them all up when this shiny pokemon jumped out at me! I knew that even my weakest move (on my level 77 Staraptor was wing attack) would kill it in one shot, so I tried throwing lots of pokeballs at it... to no avail. And then the little shit tried to kill my favourite bird? Well I wasn't having that, so I chanced using the wing attack. Bad plan. I killed it. 

my reaction was something like this

Except silently because I was...y'know on the bus and it would've been weird to have made as much noise as Frodo when Gandalf dropped from the bridge in Fellowship Of The Ring... And normally I don't mind being weird, but this would've crossed a line.

...who knows if I'll ever encounter a shiny pokemon again? Needless to say, the condolences came flooding in from all my pokemon playing friends- much appreciated guys. Much appreciated.

In other things I did today, I didn't have my dinner until midnight because I was so intent on looking for more shiny pokemon. I couldn't be bothered to cook, so I had cheese on toast. That is all.

Today, this is me, pondering the probabilities of encountering shiny pokemon and the improbability that I will ever see one again, least of all one as cool as a pinsir. Knowing my luck it'll be something lame like a weedle. 

See you tomorrow!

p.s. this is technically post 200 on Dailysplodge, but I accidently deleted one of my posts a while back so now tomorrow's post will be number 200! thanks for reading!