Friday 19 December 2014

A Postal Fuss/ Rant.

Hello Splodgies!

I had one hell of a morning today.  First of all, I had to get out of bed. And we all know how unappealing that can be when your bed is warm and cosy and the rest of your house is considerably less so. After saying goodbye to my mum who was off to work, I cleaned some eggs and made sure everything was packed in my backpack and ready for me to go to work. I spied my "Sorry we couldn't deliver your parcel" slip on the top of some CD shelves and as I had an hour and a half before my train was due, I thought I'd go to the post office and pick it up.

When I got there, I queued for about 15 minutes before it was my turn, and I was aware that there was going to be a £3.08 charge "because the sender didn't pay enough postage". I had been expecting this and wasn't too worried. Then the man behind the glass got very confusing, because he brought my parcel out and explained to me that it should've been delivered by DHL and that they should pay the charge, so I asked if I could take the parcel then. He said no, because the charge still had to be paid for. I said I'd pay for it, and handed over my debit card as I didn't have any cash or change on me at the time. This is where it gets really outrageous- he told me that I couldn't pay on card. I asked why there wasn't a sign on the window explaining that you could only pay in cash. He pointed to the back of the slip which said "You will need to bring ID and a form of payment" so I said "I've BROUGHT a form of payment!" and waved the little purple rectangle of plastic in frustration. I asked again why there wasn't a sign, and he just said "We don't have the facilities" and by this point I was getting so frustrated I said "You don't have paper and pen? You can't put up a sign that says cash only?" 

his only reply being "we don't have a card machine"- I mean... why don't they have a card machine?!? This is Royal Mail! In the end he said he'd put it to the side for me whilst I went and got cash, but that I'd have to queue again. The effin' nerve!! Eventually I managed to get my parcel, but the next time I went back it was a different employee who served me and they seemed to take a monumentally long time to come back with £6.94 change. I didn't thank them when I left. They hadn't deserved it. I understand that they're a lot busier at this time of year and they're stressed, but there is absolutely no excuse to put someone with such abysmal people skills behind a counter. 

By this time I was running late and I was worried I wouldn't get to my train in time. I had to go back home for my backpack first and then nommed down some fruit for breakfast and eventually got to the train station about 30 seconds before my train arrived. Which meant I didn't have time to buy a ticket. Which meant I couldn't use my railcard on the train- even though I swear I've been allowed to use a railcard whilst buying a train ticket on a train before. Which meant I was £17.50 out of pocket. And then I had to wait 20 minutes in the freezing cold wind for a bus. At least the bus was cosy and quiet. And I made significant pokemon progress! 

In more positive news however, my show went well this afternoon, despite having a little stage invader and a child vomiting on the set near the end. I feel bad for stage management because it's them that have to clear it up :( but I had to rush off to get my bus. Sorry, folk!! We had a reviewer in today too, but nobody was able to tell me who the reviewer was or where it was going to be published... I've done some googling, but I wasn't seriously expecting it to come out this evening. Maybe tomorrow! 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

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