Thursday 25 December 2014

A Christmas Day Blog

Good evening, splodgies! 

I hope you've all had a lovely peaceful Christmas day. And if you don't celebrate christmas, I hope you've had a lovely, peaceful December 25th! 

Here's a little bit of what my day looked like:

It was mostly very christmassy looking like this ^^^ But we did of course have the obligatory petty arguments about x y and z and we watched the annual misery-fest that is the Christmas episode of EastEnders. Strangely, nobody on the programme died. 

I got some very excellent Christmas gifts too- including this adorable Totoro hoodie!! 

Now I can literally be Totoro whenever I want!! 

Today, this is me and my silly marvellous parental units:

See you tomorrow!

p.s. I am going to be taking a breif hiatus from the blog over the new year, as I am going to be away most of that time and I suspect there will be no internet where I am going. YES. I can last without the internet. Rest assured that there will be lots of pictures upon my return! 

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