Wednesday 3 December 2014

I wouldn't normally do this...

Hello there readers!

Now I'm just gonna jump strait in and do this because it's gonna take a little while to explain. On Youtube, I'm subscribed to the The Atheist Voice channel and whilst I agree with most of what the guy on there says, I feel there is a lot of disregarding of the feelings of people who do hold religious beliefs; something which I feel is something of a stereotype of atheists in general, which I try to be an example of someone who does not disregard anyone's feelings and beliefs in regards to religion so long as they are not hurting anyone else, they can believe what they like. I feel this misunderstanding with atheists happens largely because some people struggle to separate a person from their beliefs. But today on the video by the atheist voice, I was redirected to another video about a woman going around the Chicago Field Museum claiming that everything was lies and untrue and the science was out of date. 

I'll put the video in here, but if you want to watch it all make sure you have time, as its about half an hour long :

I only watched this for 2 minutes and 22 seconds before I was so mad about it that I felt I had to write a post to vent my anger and frustration. I did go on to watch the entirety of the video, and as comments were disabled on the video, I'll leave my own commentary here:

  • Suggesting that some organisms are still single celled and eukaryotic does NOT suggest that they have remained the same, they could be completely different and still be a single celled, eukaryotic organism. The science DOES make sense if you bother to look into it properly and attempt to understand it. 
  • saying that it's "real science" because there is a fossil, and nothing else is provable because you can't show the direct lineage to a single celled organism is like saying "well I guess the air is ALL oxygen then! Don't tell me its not, you can't prove it!" because it can be proved...and the alternative she is suggesting has absolutely no proof to back it up. Whereas there is proof for even rapid evolution- for example in pepper moths. 
  • Teaching children that "we don't know" is stupid... because we do just don't like the truth because it goes against what you believe. Isn't there room for both?! Plenty of religious people also believe in evolution! 
  • OK, I do have to agree with that- trilobites do look weird. 
  • If you really want all the information on how they came to these conclusions about evolutions, you're going to have to look somewhere that goes into more depth than a museum information sign; its very complex- actually its not that complex, but explaining it all is very time consuming if you want to show it- you're going to have to go to a scientist who specialises in it, and do some extensive reading. Or you know, you could just take a biology class.
  • 470 million years ago is not a guess- carbon dating is very accurate using radioactive carbon 14... just.. stop. please.
  • How do we know? from testing air bubbles in glaciers of their concentration of ozone and oxygen respectively. If you want to try living on a planet that has an atmosphere without ozone or oxygen, be my guest. I'm sure you'll be doing the rest of us a favour. 
  • I'm sorry, fossils aren't enough evidence? They were a few minutes ago when you said it was "real science"!
  • Yes. Green algae. That's the colour photosynthetic algae is... y'know the sort that makes its own food from the sun?? 
  • This woman seems to really have a problem with the language used at the field museum. Because words like "were" and "evolved" all things that put the information presented into a more or less definite truth. She keeps saying "how do you know?" my advice- go and FIND OUT. Videotapes are your only form of acceptable evidence? Even if there WAS video evidence, you wouldn't have 470 million spare years to watch all the footage and you still wouldn't believe it anyway. 
  • So you think that people are making up the weather predictions too? I bet you still go out with an umbrella when rain is forecast...
  • "I like these, real fossils of real animals that really existed that people can look at and form their own opinions on"- but opinions are not science!! The fossils are evidence of the science!! 
  • How do they know that tetrapods first walked then? By carbon dating all the fossils they find to place it in a specific period then looking at which ones had fins and which ones had feet. There's a lot you can tell from a skeleton. 
  • ...she seems to be doubting that she is a mammal. 
  • "They want you to believe that their fins fell off and they grew feet" - well... kinda, but not in individual animals. And they didn't exactly fall off, more changed shape...
  • why are you bringing robotics into this?? Yes, actually they have made human-shaped robots that can stand up, walk, run, all sorts of things. Yes, I agree that the human foot is a complex structure, but why should that mean that it hasn't evolved? A coke can has a designer because we can prove that someone made it... it had a designer, someone used the metal, made the can, and the letters were put in. No the letters didn't fall from the sky... they're not comparable, coke cans and feet because feet are organic and coke cans are not.
  • "They're buying it! They're buying it! they're teaching their children- 100% hook, line and sinker" actually it looks to me like they're having a family day out at a museum...
  • If you're so convinced that this is all a lie, I'd really like to just ask why you think people would bother making up such complex and detailed theory and fabricate evidence to back it up? what would be the point?? Seriously, why would they bother???
  • "We went to the Indianapolis children's museum and they have the most real dinosaur bones in the whole country" - I'm sorry, "most real" ? A DRAGON SKULL. ARE YOU F*(^*^G SERIOUS. "There's no other explanation!" yes there is, its a dinosaur. Sounds like you are describing a triceratops. Dinosaurs didn't have skin like that, it was scaly... so again, you are wrong. FFS, its NOT a dragon! "It looks like a dragon, we know what we're talking about"... no. no you don't. 
  • further to the dragon thing- just because people have "seen something that looks like these things" doesn't mean that they ARE these things. And even if they were, they don't have the time scale off by several million years- for example, crocodiles, right? They have remained almost the same for millions and millions of years. Case CLOOOOOSED.
  • The reason you've not seen a cave painting of a dinosaur in that museum is because you are still several million years before the evolution of not only humans, but any kind of mammal. I've never heard of or seen a picture of a cave painting of a dinosaur. You saw this cave painting in a creation magazine and the caves that they were in were in France? Nope. That's not proof. 
  • Wait wait wait- you just said that the human evolution was a fantasy "like dragon- oh, but wait dragons aren't a fantasy. This isn't real, this is something they've just made up" - WHY would they bother making it up?? 
  • Nobody is TELLING you to believe it! They are simply presenting their findings that they have significant reason and evidence to back them up. I'd note that all this evidence stacked up against a single book- well I know which one would take me longer to read. I know which would have a lot more to say. I know which has been compiled by thousands of scientists. 
  • "Nobody considers that these Neanderthals could just be people with big foreheads? You know, like eastern Europeans have bigger foreheads and deeper set eyes" I'm not an eastern European person, but I find the comparison to Neanderthals insulting, frankly. And its not just from one Neanderthal skeleton, its from LOTS of them. 

...Sorry to be in such a rant. It just gets my blood boiling!! I am also subscribed to The Brain Scoop on youtube, the presenter of which, Emily Graslie, works at the very museum this woman is stealing oxygen from. People like Graslie work really hard to make these exhibits, and scientists all over the planet are making new discoveries every day. It's like saying all their effort and intrigue is all a sham. 

Granted, the bible was not mentioned once in the video above, but it was implied multiple times. And I understand that it can be conflicting for someone who believes in creationism, but I say why not both? Can you not believe in both? I really really don't mind that she is a creationist. She can believe that if she wants- but The Atheist Voice channel says that she is campaigning to have evolution books and related science books taken out of Illinois libraries and stuff. Can't she let people make up their minds for themselves? That's the reason I am most ragey I think. Nobody is forcing her to go to the museum or read science books...! She's not had a first edition copy of the origin of species rammed down her throat! Jeez, give the scientific community a break! If all the evidence was on the boards in the museum, you wouldn't really have boards, you'd have filing cabinets full of the stuff. Lots of them. 

It's very rare for me to be so outspoken with my atheism, but I kinda felt like I had to vent here. Normally I just let people get on with things as far as that goes. So long as they're not hurting anyone (and that includes emotionally, psychologically etc) then its ok for them to believe what they want. Just don't try and stop people from learning!! 

Sorry if any of my writing has been sub-par, I've just been trying to write whilst watching the video at the same time. 

here's a link to the original video from The Atheist Voice channel: 

Want to add your two cents? Leave me a comment! 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Well this is the trouble with you tube it gives idiots a platform
    Don't engage is my philosophy and direct your energies to policy makers
    Keep an eye on the British humanist association they are alert to these nutters sneaking into our schools
