Wednesday 17 December 2014

Return of the 555

Hello there splodgies!

Today has been something of an odd day- Because I got up at a weird time, a bit later than usual, but still during the middle of a sleep cycle. But it didn't really matter because I had breakfast (or brunch, whatever- it was like 10.30) hopped on the bus and headed off for work. Which was super fun we had lots of children come and enjoy the show! 

Though the 555 proved to be another long journey in the dark, it was Poké-productive [for all those interested, I evolved my eevee into an umbreon, caught a shroomish, evolved that into a breloom and found a thunderstone amongst my top achievements] 

Lancaster hasn't changed much- except for the huge number of wagtails that have appeared apparently by magic in some trees in town near horse-shoe corner. I'll have a proper look at them tomorrow. Still rainy, still full of traffic at 7pm.

My family hasn't changed either- still late, still with silly senses of humour. I can still affectionately call my brother a little sack of shit, and nobody minds. 

Sorry this post is short and lame. I'm tired! And I've been busy :) 

Today, this is me and my mum. It's her birthday! Happy Birthday, Ruthie! :

See you tomorrow!

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