Saturday 20 December 2014

The Worst Way to Wake Up

Hello Splodgekins!

Today, I had THE WORST waking up ever. By text- a message saying "when does your bus get in?" from Becca. I looked at the time. It was 08.08. I should have got on the bus at 07.50. Here are some pictures that accurately describe my feelings: 

What was slightly amazing was that I was out of the bed, and got dressed, locked my door, grabbed my lunchbox in the fridge (which I later accidently left at work) and got out of the house in approximately 90 seconds. I literally FLEW out of the house, hoping that the next bus, which was due at 08.10 would be late and I could catch it. It wasn't. I was DOOOOOMED. The next bus would not get me in until 10 minutes before the show was due to start. So, naturally I had a panic attack. And an asthma attack. I looked for a taxi that could get me in, but none that I phoned could get me in any quicker than the bus because of prebooked journeys etc. 

I felt like I could've done with a copy of this: 

If I'd known where my towel was, I probably wouldn't have gotten in such a pickle. Nevertheless, I was worried that I'd have caused the show to be cancelled and upset lots of little children! After exchanging a number of semi-coherent texts with Becca, I decided to call my boss- who fortunately calmed me down and very kindly got up and came to drive me to the theatre. I was massively relieved but still in panic mode.  Whilst waiting for her to come and pick me up, I realised that the reason my alarm had not gone off, even though I had double checked when I went to bed that I had set the alarm for the right time, was that the default on my phone (for some ridiculous, and unknown reason) is to have the alarm set to "repeat weekdays". Today is not a weekday. Today is Saturday, and thus my alarm did not go off at all. 

Tomorrow morning, I have to get an even earlier bus than the one I should've got today because Sunday buses are a lot less frequent than weekday and Saturday buses, meaning that I'll arrive in Keswick over an hour before I actually need to be there. And my usual breakfast cafe for days such as this will not be open. However, I've decided to be savvy and do some research! It turns out the Wetherspoons in Keswick will be open from 7am, so though I shall breakfast alone (is breakfast a verb??) I shall still be able to eat something before the show and be protected from the elements and so on. 

Today, this is me, trying to recreate/mock my reaction face upon realising I'd overslept:

See you tomorrow!

p.s., incase anyone was wondering, both shows went well. I had a particularly nice afternoon. 

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