Friday 12 December 2014

Gratuitous Hot Water Bottle?

Good evening Splodgekins! 

Just a short post for today, I'm afraid. 

Anyway, as promised- here is a picture of snow on the mountains. I was leaving work at an earlier time than usual, and it uncommon for me to be heading back in the daylight now that the nights are drawing in, and are almost at their most drawn in, in fact! Sorry the image is a bit blurry, I was on a moving bus at the time, but I took several and this is the best one I could come up with: 

Dramatic, yes?! Yes.

Anyway, on to the proper topic of today's blog: 

The past few nights I've thoroughly enjoyed having a hot water bottle to sleep with. My hot water bottle looks virtually identical to the one in the picture, but not as nice. Not only has it been nice for my mystery knee pain, but it's been really nice to have a warm core of something to cuddle when I'm curled up in bed. 

But really... I don't particularly need it. The heating actually works in my room, even if it comes on at funny times. It's more for comfort than for an actual function. My gratuitous use of hot water bottles does however give me the opportunity to use one of my favourite words- gratuitous, that is! One of the best things about having a hot water bottle is that when you wake up, it's still a little bit warm from the night before- although this isn't every time, it certainly was this morning. 

Let me know what you think; is my hot water bottle usage truly gratuitous? Or is it a harmless addition to my sleep routine that comes with winter? Give me your opinion in the comments! 

Today, this is me (unintentionally demonstrating that I have a lazy eye): 

See you tomorrow!

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