Thursday 18 December 2014

Ridiculous Christmas Family Traditions

Hello Splodgies! 

Sorry I'm so late posting tonight, I've got a little held up decorating the Christmas tree! 

....No, this isn't our tree. But I'm going to take a Polaroid of the real tree in the morning :) 

Here follows a list of traditions that MUST be followed when my family celebrates Christmas: 

  1. Prior to decorating the Christmas tree, there must be a great big hunt for the lights. The lights MUST go on first. This is Amber and Nick's job. If Amber is not here, Rosa (that's me!) takes her place.The lights must first be plugged in and switched on, and Nick must say "good, they're all working" only to find later when they are on the tree that some of them don't work. There must be a "2 sets or 3 sets" debate which always ends the same way. 
  2. During tree decoration after lights there must be some universally-agreed-to-be-crappy Christmas music playing and silly dancing. On the top of the tree we don't have an angel or a star, we have the sun and the moon. Because we're weird like that. 
  3. After the tree is finished, all the lights in the room are switched off and the tree lights switched on. Everyone then enjoys a mince pie. 
  4. On Christmas morning, rubbish children's TV is watched and stockings are opened. 
  5. On Christmas day, its presents after breakfast, but before presents Ruth must try and fail to light a fire. Someone else then succeeds at lighting a fire.
  6. Then follows the obligatory tidy up and vegetable prep. 
  7. An awkward family photo must be taken at Christmas lunch
  8. Those who don't go for a post-lunch walk tidy up the kitchen.
  9. TV Christmas specials are watched. There is a debate as to whether we need another meal. The answer is usually no, but we light a Christmas pudding on fire. 

Today, this is me, very ready to go to sleep: 

See you tomorrow!

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