Saturday 13 December 2014

I Accidently Thought It Was Friday...

Ahoy there dear splodgy chums! 

Today when I came home from work, I made the daft mistake of thinking it was Friday. This is because I don't usually work on a Saturday, and I'd had a particularly long day in rehearsal and tech. And when I say "A long day" I don't mean a terrible day with lots of obstacles that were difficult and and complicated to overcome, I literally just mean that I was at work for a longer time than normal, as our show goes up on Monday so we had to make sure everything was sorted. 

Today I travelled to work on the bus and was able to get some decent photos of the snowy scenery. I snapped this picture to some of my friends under the caption "What? Am I in the Alps?" 

Upon my arrival at work (this is about 20m from the door to the theatre) I snapped another one of these "this is ridiculously beautiful place to work" pictures: 

I sometimes take the beauty of the lake district for granted, but particularly when it is like that it was today, or any day where the weather is really clear and you can see right across the lake and up into the mountains, I can frequently be heard to say what I am slightly worried will become my catchphrase, "Just fucking look at this!" whilst gesturing to the scenery around me. 

Shortly after Becca arrived it started snowing, so in our childishness we went outside and ran around in the snow for a little while until we got too cold/damp and decided to go and actually start working properly.  

When we left we had to wait a little bit for the bus, so we mooched around Booths for a few minutes, and we came across this ale:

We found this terrible funny because we play a couple of elves in this show we're in at the moment- elves with the personalities of 5 year olds. So the idea that either Tingle or Twirl (those are the characters we play) could be criminally bad elves was nothing short of hilarious! 

Today, this is me ready to go for a frolic in the snow: 

See you tomorrow!

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