Tuesday 16 December 2014

Performance Enhancing Drugs

Hello my fine chums! 

Today was our second day of performance. 

Usually when I get to Keswick in the morning, Becca and I will go and have breakfast in booths, usually consisting of a toasted teacake and a hot caffeinated beverage. Our first show was to begin at 11am, which was fine because we and the tech team had to do our last final checks, warm up and do a few other things. 

By the time we were about to get on stage for the first time that day (the schedule is usually for a show in the morning and another in the afternoon) and I tragically hit a caffeine crash. I simply didn't feel the energy required to be tip top in that show. But the show must go on! So I did my best and we had a good show.

After we'd had out lunch, perhaps 20 minutes before the afternoon show was about to begin, I decided to have another cup of coffee- AND IT MADE SO MUCH DIFFERENCE!! Performance enhancing drugs- in this case, caffeine- were exactly what I needed. My voice was clearer, my energy was up, I feel like I just perfomed better in general! I think one of two things needs to happen. Either:

A) Don't have coffee at breakfast, have it when 20 minutes before the start of each show.

B) Have coffee at breakfast time, and then have an additional cup 20 minutes before the start of each show. 

...three cups of coffee a day seems like an excessive amount of caffeine intake. But I really like having a hot beverage at the beginning of the day, and because I have a booths card it means I can have a free hot drink every day. Waste it on a herbal/fruit tea? Maybe? I don't know. What do you think? 

Option A or Option B? Let me know in the comments! 

Given that I don't consider myself a massive caffeine head (though I am admittedly a coffee snob) I just have coffee when I have time to brew it in the mornings, which isn't every day. I don't want to become a caffeine addict, but I suppose there are some things that are much more dangerous to be addicted to/ withdraw from. 

Today, this is me Becca and Fuzz before our second show:

See you tomorrow!

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