Wednesday 10 December 2014


Hello my fine chums!

Today has been a stressful day for many reasons, including a friend being in hospital, recording music, suddenly being tall, rushing madly across West Cumbria and restringing yet another ukulele (this time its for a show though).

Something that stressed me out on my bus journey has been mentioned on facebook and I shall also explain about it here. 


I play pokemon when I'm on the bus to work sometimes. Today, for the first time EVER whilst playing pokemon (bearing in mind that I've been playing for quite some time) I legitimately encountered a shiny pokemon. It was the one as pictured above- a pinsir. The normal pinsir is just brown and grey (for those not familiar with pokemon, a shiny pokemon doesn't mean that it is actually shiny, it just means that it has different colouring to normal pokemon- the odds of encountering one without using cheat codes are close to 1 in 9000) so naturally I was phenomenally excited to come across this particular one.

Unfortunatley for me, I had been minding my own business in the resort area training up some of my lower level pokemon (trying to level up 5 pokemon from levels in their 20s to up in their 50s is hard all at the same time) and all but my strongest pokemon had fainted so I was rushing off to a pokecentre to heal them all up when this shiny pokemon jumped out at me! I knew that even my weakest move (on my level 77 Staraptor was wing attack) would kill it in one shot, so I tried throwing lots of pokeballs at it... to no avail. And then the little shit tried to kill my favourite bird? Well I wasn't having that, so I chanced using the wing attack. Bad plan. I killed it. 

my reaction was something like this

Except silently because I was...y'know on the bus and it would've been weird to have made as much noise as Frodo when Gandalf dropped from the bridge in Fellowship Of The Ring... And normally I don't mind being weird, but this would've crossed a line.

...who knows if I'll ever encounter a shiny pokemon again? Needless to say, the condolences came flooding in from all my pokemon playing friends- much appreciated guys. Much appreciated.

In other things I did today, I didn't have my dinner until midnight because I was so intent on looking for more shiny pokemon. I couldn't be bothered to cook, so I had cheese on toast. That is all.

Today, this is me, pondering the probabilities of encountering shiny pokemon and the improbability that I will ever see one again, least of all one as cool as a pinsir. Knowing my luck it'll be something lame like a weedle. 

See you tomorrow!

p.s. this is technically post 200 on Dailysplodge, but I accidently deleted one of my posts a while back so now tomorrow's post will be number 200! thanks for reading! 

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