Thursday 11 December 2014

Post number 200!

What up, splodgearoos! 

Today is blogpost 200! I have no idea how to celebrate this momentous occasions, as on my 100th post I made a list of 100 lists I should make. It being 2 minutes past midnight and me having to get up in the morning dissuades me from writing another 200 things, so instead I've decided to write a list of all the things I can think of that might take 200 minutes to do: 

  1. One of Jamie's 30 minute meals if you don't do all the prep
  2. Watching one of the cinema cut editions of Lord of The Rings installments 
  3. Skim reading every blog post I've ever written
  4. Tuning a piano
  5. Listening to whatever crap is in the top 40 
  6. watching the Eurovision song contest
  7. Climbing a medium sized mountain
  8. walking around a big lake
  9. driving to manchester from here
  10. flying to Germany
  11. doing one of the challenges in GBBO
  12. working out why you have your guilty pleasures. And why you're guilty about them!! 

....I can't think of anything else right now... my brain is fried!! 

So I shall tell you what I did today instead:

I had a nice lie in, got my groceries, went to Cockermouth and finished my christmas shopping and came back and Skyped with Ashley. T'was good! But I'm gonna go to bed now :) 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow! 

p.s. sorry this post is so lame...

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