Monday 15 December 2014

Present For Santa

Hello Splodgekins! 

Today was the first day opening of A Present For Santa. I think it went pretty well! We had lots of very small human beings coming up to us at the end who seemed very cheery and happy. The first performance went exceptionally well in my opinion, and though the second was more challenging than the first (because of the age of the children, mostly) it still went well. 

To me, it's super exciting (and in some ways, super important) that this might be some of these little people's first experiences of theatre! Isn't that cool?? One day, one of these kids might go to a university interview or an audition and be asked a question along the lines of "What made you want to become involved in performance/drama/theatre?" and they might answer "When I was 2-5 years old, my parent(s)/Nursery did a trip to a christmassy show, and I enjoyed it so much I wanted to do something like that myself ever since!" 

People remember their first time of things like that! And its an honour and a privilege to be that. ...Potentially, anyway. 

Today, this is me in my elf outfit looking ridiculously festive:

See you tomorrow!


  1. Lovely costume! :) and yes I bet they will remember it indeed! :D

  2. I remember my first theatre experience!
    It was Aladdin at the palace theatre Watford

    And aladdin wore a yellow and purple suit and actually came INTO THE
    I couldn't believe it!
    And they threw sweets as well!
    I was

    1. Ah!! That sounds so exciting!! How old would you have been at the time? I want to be as memorable as many years later as this was for you! Check out today's post- perhaps I was today! xx
