Wednesday 24 December 2014

(Very) Last Minute Christmas Things

Hello Splodgies!

As I type this it is 00:46. So technically it is already Christmas Day, but I don't count it as Christmas Day until I've gone to sleep on Christmas Eve, and this is my blog so it's my rules.

Today was the last of A Present For Santa. Here's a picture of us stood against the present wall, with a newcomer to the DailySplodge blogposts- Sarah, who is (is? I mean was. It makes me sad that this is now in the past tense) our stage manager whom we share age-related bantz with: 

We had so much fun with this little show, but I must admit that I am glad to be having a break from it now, I have been totally exhausted! It was great to have my dad and my sister and my friend Troy come to see the show on our closing performance which was really nice. Whilst in the pub with some friends this evening, I found out that someone's Aunt had been to see the show "The one with the singing, dancing ukulele playing elf". Which was the majority of what I did in the show. 

I had been planning on very quickly making mince pies when I came back from the pub but everyone in the house had neglected to remember to tell me that we didn't have a functioning food processor which meant I would have to make the pastry by hand- which was by no means challenging, but was considerably more time consuming with very cold butter. Anyway, this is the result! 

They got out of the oven at 00:25. Perhaps a little over done, but nothing too drastic. They won't be uneatable. Those attending Ye Olde Boxing Day Do will have the opportunity to try one and tell me if I really messed up. Or not. As the case may be.

Now that all the mince pies are sorted and cooling down under some kitchen paper, I can go to bed and have a nice sleep. 

Today, this is me and Becca making a comical attempt at being incognito at the bar whilst ordering our lunch:

Often after a morning show, families will stay and have lunch in the cafe downstairs and children will point and stare and say things like "look! its the elves!" and try to engage us in Santa-related conversation. We usually make a big joke out of trying to hide our faces. Sometimes I even take off my glasses in a vain attempt to not be recognised. I imagine this is something like what it feels like to be an A-List celebrity, except all my fans are under 5. 

Hope you all have a wonderful, peaceful, relaxing Christmas. 
See you tomorrow!

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