Sunday 21 December 2014


Hello my chumz!

How are you all today? I for one am shattered and shall be going to sleep as soon as this blog has been finished and shared on various platforms. 

Before I get started, please take a minute to appreciate this amazing display in a dog walker shop window: 

TRES amazing, I think you'll agree. For my non-British pals, this is a pun on Strictly Come Dancing, which I'm told is called Dancing With The Stars in other places. 

We had another couple of shows today! But because it was a Sunday, I had to get the dreaded 7.15am bus into Keswick this morning. That's even more dreaded than my first trip on the 555. Wanna know why?? BECAUSE NOT EVEN BOOTHS WAS OPEN FOR ME TO GET COFFEE AT THAT TIME. ...Fortunately, the Wetherspoons was, and having never been in there before, I was pleasantly surprised when there was a proper fire, a nice quiet relaxing atmosphere and a vegetarian breakfast available for me to kill an hour with whilst I waited for the working day to begin. 

In other good news, my twinnyo has done something rarely done/seen and joined the family in Lancaster. Well, it is Christmas afterall! And she and my Paparr shall be coming to see the show on Christmas Eve too. Which means I get a lift back and don't have to worry! Muahahahaaa! 

Anyway, sorry this is so short- I'm utterly exhausted! I shall be for the next couple of days, I'd imagine. But I'm still going to post every day!

Today, this is me feeling very sleepy on the bus home:

See you tomorrow!

p.s. like my new green hoodie??!

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