Tuesday 2 December 2014

Urgh... Some Humans...

Ahoy there m'fine splodgy readers! 

Some of you may know of my long-running "personal vendetta" against the delivery network Yodel. And I have good reason- having had three, expensive parcels stolen by them last year, including a new pair of converse shoes and two iPhones. This was all whilst I was living in The Ice Box. 

Since my falling out with the company, I have found, joined and become an admin of a facebook group where people come to air their various grievances and frustrations about their experiences with Yodel. If anyone has had a run-in with Yodel and wasn't best pleased, you can always join us, we're called "Yodel delivery network are the only network that don't deliver". Previously the group was called "Yodel are so shit" but, whilst it's not perfect, I still prefer the new name that the other admin chose. We're getting close to a thousand members now, and we even have some people on there who work for Yodel as drivers themselves, because they're so pissed of with how HQ are running the company and treating their employees. 

Usually running the page is pretty simple. Check for requests to join the group, check out anyone who looks like they might be a spammer (e.g. if it says something along the lines of "Joined Facebook 3 weeks ago, member of 5456 groups" its probably someone trying to sell sunglasses) and then deleting any spam posts that turn up.

Tonight though- something pretty nasty happened on the group; one of the newer members (I think I added him on Saturday) who said he was a yodel delivery driver was going off on one about how he wanted everyone to see things from the drivers' points of view and how the job was really hard etc. This turned into an argument by perhaps 4 or 5 members commenting (the majority posted by 2 drivers and 3 disgruntled customers) about the attitudes of the company. Things started getting very nasty, but by the time I got onto my laptop and saw the post for the first time myself, it had turned into a 119-comment slanging match. 

I put my admin hat on and told everyone to calm down. I told the original poster that "People ARE taking your point of view into account, but if you continue to stir the proverbial shit, I will remove you from the group" - suffice to say that he did not stop stirring the proverbial shit, but instead tried to play the martyr, saying things like "I thought you'd be open minded enough to see things from my perspective" Actually he used the word perspective a lot. I'm not entirely sure he knew what it meant. 

Anyway, by this point I'm thinking I should really delete this bloke, he's just making everyone angry. But as he wasn't a spammer, I thought I should really get the agreement from the only other admin that he had to go. So I sent a message to him. But things were getting out of hand and someone tagged me in a comment to ask if I could keep the post so that he could use it as evidence as part of his complaint to Yodel. Soon afterwards...the post was deleted by the original person who had been causing all the trouble. So before I'd had a reply from the other admin, I just... got rid of him. Unfortunately I didn't check the "Ban permanently" box. Woops! 

I felt a bit bad for a while because I really should've waited. 

I'm really glad that I had a nap when I came in from work, because had I not, I probably would be asleep from the exhaustion all this has caused!! 

...sorry this hasn't been a particularly cheery post, but this has just been taking over my evening so my brain had no other head space to use up thinking of another blog topic...!

Today, this is me and Becca snapchatting ma twinnyo: 

...I can't remember what it was we said we didn't know... Or what Becca said yes to. I'm sure Twinny could tell you!
See you tomorrow!

p.s. I'm approaching the 200 posts mark rapidly! Is there anything you'd like me to cover for my 200th post? Let me know in the comments!

p.p.s We've surpassed 6000 views! Yay! Thanks for reading, I don't know why you put up with all my ramblings, but I'm so glad that you do :) 

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