Tuesday 9 December 2014

I learned a lesson today...

Hello Splodgies! 

Usually I would check the weather forecast if I was going to be going out for a long time. But this week I am going into work and staying there at a later time than usual, so my whole routine is a bit skewed. So I forgot to check the weather forecast today.

BIG MISTAKE. It was fine getting to the bus, no trouble. A little spitting, but otherwise fine. But when I got off the bus, it was HIDEOUS. Too windy to have my umbrella up and too rainy to have gone out without a waterproof coat. Becca and I took slightly longer than usual to get to the theatre, but this wasn't because we were being slow, it was because the weather seemed to have some objection to us getting to work on time. It literally took about 20 mins where it would usually have taken about half that.

Anyway, we got in and we were both soaking wet. My glasses were covered in dots and steaming up and we both needed a change of clothes neither of us had. Even though Becca had a waterproof coat on, both of us had legs that were wet on the front and dry on the back- because we'd been walking into the wind. 

The joke became that she'd fallen in the lake and I'd jumped in after her to pull her out. I honestly don't think anyone would've been able to tell the difference, other than a lack of water flora in our hair and on our clothes. 

By the time we were ready to leave work, our clothes still weren't properly dry, but the weather at that end of the journey wasn't so bad. So I got on the bus fairly contented, and proceeded to play pokemon for the vast majority of the journey whilst listening to Richard Herring's Leicester Square Theatre Podcast (or as all the cool kids are calling it "rhlstp!"). 

When I arrived at the bus station, I couldn't see out of the windows of the bus because it was all steamed up as it was full of people, and it was dark outside so the only things I could see in the window were the reflections of all my fellow travellers. I got off the rain, and saw outside the tempest awaiting me. That's right, I used the word tempest. Because, when I walked out of the bus station, I heard someone saying "Bloody hell" and looked- the words "oh shit-" left my own mouth and I decided there was no point delaying the inevitable as I was hungry and needed to pee. I had to get home. I took a deep breath and strode into the night (well, I say night, it wasn't even 6.30pm by then, but as it's December, it was very dark and everywhere was lit in that horrible orange light that city councils insist on using so the colour of everything is all confused). I hadn't gone more than a few steps when I was utterly, utterly soaked. I was so worried that my phone and headphones and notebooks and things would be ruined by the rain. Even though my phone was in my pocket and my notebooks were in my bag and my headphones had withstood rain before. Fortunately nothing was damaged and I made it home sopping went, but not dispirited. 

The moral of the story? ALWAYS check what the weather is going to be like! Particularly in winter when the consequences of not checking are more likely to be drastic! 

Now I'm going to go to sleep with the louder-than-usual sounds of wind and rain against my window. Its an oddly comforting sound when you're all cosied up! 

Today, this is me when I got home, having been soaked by the aforementioned torrential rain:

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I hate that orange light
    When I was little I associated it with feeling travel sick
    I think because I saw those lights mostly from the back of a car
    And it put me off orange sweets
    Which was a shame really it wasn't the sweets fault !
