Monday 22 December 2014

Flashing Blue Lights

Hello Splodgies! 

We got a nice review for Present For Santa! Have a read here if you like:

A number of things have happened today that were...strange. 

Firstly, out of our two shows today, it was the morning one rather than the afternoon one that was super lovely and full of well behaved children who got involved and didn't run across the stage. And the afternoon show had some kids in it that were too old to be at the show, but not old enough to put up and shut up. They were swinging legs on the stage and kicking the train as it came past. Later on one of them spat at me. How unkind :( It made me feel sad all evening. 

What made me feel even sadder was hearing the news about the crash in Glasgow. I hope that everyone knows where their loved ones are and have been able to contact them.

When I came home this evening, I was sat doing my usual computer business and there were some flashing blue lights outside my window:

Two fire engines, two police cars and a first responder from the ambulance service. I stood on my window sill, opened the window wide and tried to make out what was going on. I even pressed my hands to the wall shared with the house next door to see if it was hot- there might have been a fire on the other side! But there didn't seem to be. I saw an old woman wrapped in a coat that didn't seem to be hers being led into the house two doors down from me and a man following up behind her talking to the fire service people who were all in their fire battling gear and putting on masks and things. At first I thought there must be a fire, but I couldn't smell smoke or see any flames up the street. But the longer I looked, the more emergency vehicles came, and I decided I should probably go and see if there was anything I could do to help, as I had an almost empty house and could probably provide a place for people to sit and receive treatment for minor injuries whilst I made cups of tea or something like that. 

So I went outside and waited for the two policemen and the four fire fighters to stop talking and said something almost vomit-inducingly British: "Um.. is there anything I can do? Does anybody want a cup of tea or anything?" ... turns out they were all ok for tea. I mumbled something about having left my window open so they could shout if they changed their minds.  They didn't. 

I never found out what had transpired, but I suspect if I buy a local newspaper the day after tomorrow (as I suspect the event occurred after tomorrow's paper had gone to print) then I might found out. 

Today, this is me having just woken up from my nap on the studio seating under one of the show blankets:

See you tomorrow!

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