Friday 26 December 2014

Boxing Day Blogtimes

Hello Splodgies!

Today there was a party in my house: 

This mainly involved us getting overly stressed about tidying/ having enough booze/ having enough food/ getting everything ready in time. Which in the end turned out to be justified as some folks turned up early which though was not unpleasant was a bit inconvenient. 

We had the annual Emma Bates visit, which was lovely. And I got to catch up with lots of folks I'd not seen in a while. I'm still in shock that some of the people I now consider friends that are my little brother's age are now going off gallivanting around the world by themselves. I remember when they were tiny tiny little things!! Either way, everybody is growing up! How strange. I had a lovely evening. And now I can barely keep my eyes open, so having replied to the atheist basher on youtube, and told them actually I am very happy with my life; having finished this blog post; having had my cup of peppermint tea it is now time for bed :) Goodnight everyone! 

Today, this is me and my twinny with out friend Roly in the middle:

See you tomorrow!

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