Tuesday 23 December 2014

Cute Things, Sweeties And Scars

Hello Splodgekins!

Before I get started, I need to share this video that my sister put on Facebook that I've been sharing with everyone because its so cute: 

Anyway - I was going to post about this yesterday but after all the drama I changed my mind and I'll post about this today. 

Around Christmas time, it seems that lots of people bring GIANT tubs of sweets into work. And I'm not complaining- I LOVE chocolate. But inevitably, by the time I get there, all the best ones have gone already. But I'm not sore about that because I still like most of the ones that people leave behind which is why my coat pocket looked like this when I came out of work today:

It seems to me that the ones that get left behind the most often are the milky ways and the mars bars but the ones that are almost certain to be lying at the bottom of the tub having not been metaphorically picked for the proverbial netball team are the bountys. I don't like bountys. I am just not a massive fan of coconut is all, because of the texture. Also its always a milk chocolate bounty in the blue wrapper- I might be more inclined to give a dark chocolate bounty a go. But I am quite the fan of the milky way, so when I saw the tub with almost nothing else in it, and Alison encouraged me to take as many as I could (as there were literally two unopened tubs in the green room and a box of miniature heroes had been polished off the day before) I didn't feel too guilty about loading up one of my pockets with tiny versions of ordinary chocolates- because being tiny makes them more exciting, obviously. 

...In case anyone guessed, I was very rarely picked for the netball team. And every time I played for my house at school I ended up with scars on my knees from making dramatic dives for the ball (which were usually successful, but once you're on the floor game play seems to stop, what with the blood pouring out of your palms and knees. You'd think they'd pick me more often what with my willingness to literally risk my skin to play well for my team. But no. The main problem with allowing the team captain, a fourteen year old girl, to choose their own team is that they pick their friends whenever possible). I still have the scars. Damn you, York House netball!! I have lots of knee scars, but the netball ones have the most boring stories, so I resent them the most. 

Today, this is me having woken up from another studio nap betwixt shows:

See you tomorrow!

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