Wednesday 6 August 2014

A busy (photo filled) day

Hello Splodgies!! 

As promised earlier in the week, I am having a photo-heavy post! Today I went on a walk with my family in one of my favourite places... here is what it was like!! 

I really liked the light in the woods, so I tried to capture it in these next 2 photos:

This is my grandma!! :

I'm told that lichen grows on trees where the air is clean. And the air really feels clean out here, not like in the city

A fallen tree was blocking our path!: 

I love the texture of the bark:

We found a squiggly thing: 

Our prize!! 

The WRONG way to eat a cream tea (Cream first, them jam):

The RIGHT way to eat a cream tea (Jam first, then cream): 

Then we walked across to Bossington to see the bird displays. 

This Kookaburra is called Cookie: 

A Kestrel! :

A Harris Hawk: 

Some kind of vulture the proper name of which I cannot remember: 

A tawny eagle:

........and for all those interested- I FINALLY GOT MY SUNSET PICTURES!!

Today this is me anticipating a great sunset picture...

...And this is me elated at my sunset: 

Hope the photos wern't to boring for you all! Let me know in the comments if you want to see more, because there are a LOT more:

See you tomorrow!


  1. WOW... just stunning :D .... everything!!!! and well... you know my soft spots for birds!!!

    1. I didn't know you had a soft spot for birds! :P But if you like, I can send you some of the photos. My favourite one is the one with the wings stretched up when he's sat on the falconer's hand!
