Monday 11 August 2014

Brain Tangents

Good Evening, Splodgekins!!

My brain has a little bit of a habit when it is unoccupied to go on little unexpected trips into odd places. 

Earlier on, I was planning on getting my laundry off the rack, but I got distracted by the piano. The piano that is always there, and yet I hardly ever play. I plinky-plonked a few notes. 

...they seemed... familiar. I grabbed a chair and sat down properly, repeating the pattern. It was something I'd heard before, but I couldn't put my finger on where I'd heard it or what it was. 

Eventually I worked out that it was a theme song from a computer game I'd played once, so I ran upstairs and grabbed my laptop and started recording the tune. It looked just like the picture above, except much less sophisticated. With an upright piano. And a macbook on a chair. And red headphones. And I wasn't singing... so nothing like the picture. I spent nearly an hour and a half recording and re-recording all the parts for the firs minute or so of the tune. 

.....and I still never got my laundry down. 

But that doesn't really matter because I was following my creative instincts, which I feel must be good for something. Instead of doing a boring task, I actually used my brain to create something, admittedly quite geeky, but legitimately awesome. They say that playing music is really really good for your brain, because it uses almost every single bit of it. So having done very little other than feel exasperated at the job centre (despite having secured a job to begin in September) and cleaning out and medicating various creatures at my abode today, I felt like this had been a very good use of my time. 

I like that my brain's default when looking for something to procrastinate from is a creative type of thing. Even though I can't read music (or at least not very well, I'd struggle to read at any kind of speed) my ears and brain seem to tune well to pitch, even if they can occasionally struggle with rhythm. I guess that'll just get better with practise! 

What about you? Do you get distracted from boring tasks and then... never complete them? Let me know in the comments.

Also, a few minutes ago I heard of the sad news that Robin Williams had died. So... Rest In Peace, Mr. Williams. You were an exceptional, talented human being. 

This film, Flubber was the first film of his I ever remember seeing. When I was 8 years old, I broke my elbow and my Nana sent me some WHSmith vouchers so I could buy something to make myself feel better- what did I buy? Flubber on VHS and the first Harry Potter book. Even though my arm was in plaster, it was a good summer. I laughed a lot thanks to this man. 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

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