Sunday 24 August 2014

Birthday Blogtimes

Good Evening my fine fine beans!

As you can probably tell from the title of this post, today has been my birthday. But not only my birthday! But my twinny's birthday too! Amber! Happy Birthday Amber! 

We had quite a cool day. I received some really cool cards! And two baking books! And some DS Games. And a bracelet! And a notebook! And a cool camera! But its a super old one- a polaroid! I'm trying get good at polaroid shots as quick as possible because the camera can only have 8 shots per cassette! I really like the feel of old pictures. So lets hope that I get good at the pictures soon! 

Also shout out to all the other people I know who had birthdays today! Cierra! Sonja! Jon! And Amber, of course!! 

Today, this is me and my twinnyola. We are 23:

See you tomorrow!

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