Thursday 14 August 2014

the crack in the wall

Dear Splodgies

There's a crack in my wall. 

Quite a lot like this. Except.... well its not two bits of space and time pressed together that should never have touched with time flooding through it erasing people in my life. far as I am aware anyway. 

...Nor is it in my bedroom wall. Its in the wall of my house. And coming through it (admittedly not in floods) was water. Basically, its leaking. The crack is more sort of vertical. 

....yeah more like that. It's quite an old house so it looks more like that. 

Anyway, late yesterday morning a man came to fix the wall. Unfortunately he didn't come in a blue box with a sonic screwdriver as would have been quite cool, but came in a red truck with an apprentice. It took a couple of hours, but the crack in the wall is now fixed.

It did get me thinking though... if there really had been a space/time crack in my wall and man in a blue box with a sonic screwdriver came to fix it- would I have gone with him on a journey through time and space? I mean, would I have chosen to? Never mind would I choose to though, would I even be offered? Would I have enough "companion potential"? I guess that remains to be seen, but if I ever get offered a space in the T.A.R.D.I.S , I'll let you know! 

Were I offered though, I'd like to think that my childish spirit of adventure would overtake the bit of my adult brain that would be likely to say "This is extremely dangerous, don't be so stupid". I think its all about being willing to take risks. I don't mean driving without a seat belt or using a circular saw with a blindfold on; I mean doing exciting things, even though you're scared! 

In my case this is going to be moving away from home to start a new, exciting job. I mean, sure its exciting, but I'm also nervous about leaving home again...! 

But hey, it's not like I'm travelling through time and space, I'm only going to be one county away! That's not even as far away as I was at university!

What about you? Would you leap into the metaphorical box and travel time and space, regardless of whatever else is going on in your life? Even a crack in the wall? Let me know in the comments :)

sorry this was a short post!! 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

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