Friday 15 August 2014


Hey Splodgies!

Ever had a yawn interrupted?? It is one of the most FRUSTRATING things possible to happen to a person mid-yawn, because suddenly you are no longer having a relaxing, cathartic yawn, you are left in a sort of odd pressure in your ears, two very full lungs and a ridiculous facial expression. 

And what's worse is that you can't put your mind to anything until you've got your proper yawn out of the way! The only thing worse is having a sneeze interrupted because then you still have a tickly nose! Although the interrupted sneeze is usually more quickly resolved than the interrupted yawn, in my experience. 

And whilst this was an interesting video, it didn't really explain to me how I seem to have two different levels of yawning. One is just your standard yawn, and the other is a deeper yawn, that seems to increase my lung capacity more and would be held for much longer. 

What about you? Had some yawning issues like me?? Ever experienced the frustration of an interrupted yawn? Perhaps you're like me and have two depths of yawn? Let me know in the comments. Also let me know if you've yawned whilst reading this blog! I bet you have, I yawned a lot whilst writing it! 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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