Saturday 2 August 2014

Its stormin'

Hey Splodgies!!

I keep meaning to do a post about singing. But I'll do it properly another day. I bet everyone can sing, they're just pretending not to. 

Tonight, I've been singing with The Kitchen Collective and having a jolly good time :) Everyone should sing! Hurrah! 

Anyway, these past couple of days its been storming. Which is a bit odd because the past few weeks we've been having a lot of hot weather. I guess hydrologically speaking its not that unusual, but it feels odd to have 3 weeks of baking hot weather and then 3 days of downpour. But what do I know?? I'm not a meteorologist! If you are a meteorologist/geographer/person who knows what the hell is going on with the weather lately, let me know in the comments. 

Hope y'all are having a wonderful weekend :) 

Today, this is me, getting distracted by lightening: 

See you tomorrow!

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