Tuesday 26 August 2014

Time for goodbyes!

Dear Splodgies

A number of my friends are leaving this lovely city I live in to go to far away places! (I am also leaving too, but not going so far away!) and this evening was the last time I got to see them! Which is sad, but we had a good last evening together. Even though we didn't win the pub quiz! Also, my Grandma went home today, and my sister went back to London! It feels like everyone is rapidly taking an intermission from my life! So I'm really hoping that I make lots of new friends in my new place :) 

I went to look at a potential place to live today. And in the morning, I'm going to text the landlord and ask him for the details so I can put a deposit down!

Also, this is technically my 100th post! I know it's only shown as my 99th post, but I accidentally deleted one a while back (admittedly it wasn't a very good one) so this is technically post 100! So everyone wish me a happy 100! woopwoop! Thanks for sticking with DailySplodge for so long! 

Today, this is me and Bernadette on our way to the pub:

See you tomorrow!

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