Wednesday 27 August 2014

List Mania (The Great 100)

Evening, Splodgekins!

Today is post 100!... except it's not because YESTERDAY was post 100. 

I had planned to do a list of 100 things (because lists seem to be very popular in this buzzfeed culture) but I couldn't think of 100 things that would all fit under one title that I could put as a list. So instead I am going to make a list of 100 lists I need to make. Its already gone midnight, so this might not be brilliant. So... yeah! This is the list of lists. I like to think that should I be lucky enough to die of old age rather than in a bizarre creme brulee torch related accident these lists could be handed to me and provide some entertaining reading: 

1. A list of all my favourite dinosaurs

2. A list of all the things I'd like to do before I'm too old

3. A list of all the things I have done that I'm really proud of. 

4. A list of all the things that I deem too disgusting to eat

5. A list of all the things I should be doing before I move

6. A list of all the films I've ever watched

7. A list of all the careers I've ever wanted

8. A list of all the careers I've actually pursued

9. A list of all the unrealistic, childish dreams that I still cling onto because its harmless and I still like them

10. A list of all the names I'd like to give to my potential children

11. A list of all the places I've been and all the places I'd like to go

12. A list of all the emojis that are pointless and I'm certain nobody ever uses. Like that shocked cat face?? Who uses that?! Just use the shocked face!! Or the aubergine, who needs that?!

13. A list of all the people I love that I don't tell them I love them enough

14. A list of all the gifts I've ever received that I've forgotten about, so I can find them and remember them

15. A list of all the things I've ever been too afraid to do, so I can do them and not be afraid anymore

16. A list of all my enemies card details and pin numbers for my own evil doings

17. A list of all the textures I like

18. A list of all the roles I'd like to play

19. A list of all the roles I'll ever play. Then I can see how big the overlap on the venn diagram between list 18 and list 19 is. 

20. A list of every fictional character I've been overly attached to

21. A list of every hideous item of clothing I've ever been previously proud to own- I'm looking at you, 12 year old Rosa.

22. A list of all the locations where my missing socks went

23. A list of all the strangers who have ever wanted to speak to me but haven't/didn't (I think this could make for EXTREMELY interesting reading)

24. A list of all the people that my friends think I am like

25. A list of all the times I have managed to get away with lying about something

26. A list of all the animals that have come to my house

27. A list of all the places I've ever lived

28. A list of all the people I've ever met and lost touch with

29. A list of all the bizarre theories I've ever created/believed were true

30. A list of all the ideas I had that I could never convince people were worth carrying off

31. A list of all the things I've ever grown. Avacado plant, I'm looking at you. Year 10/11 Vegetable plot I'm looking at you.

32. A list of every time I've ever upset someone and not realised and remained totally ignorant- so I can apologise! 

33. A list of all the people I've ever punched/slapped in the face (or attempted to) - which I think may be a surprisingly long list, considering how I consider myself to be quite a friendly person

34. A list of all the scented candles that should never have been allowed to exist- because there are some RANK candles out there

35. A list of all the best ways to cook potatoes

36. A list of all the best ways to cook eggs

37. An actual DEFINITIVE list of all the things I am allergic to, translated into multiple languages

38. A list of every song/tune I have ever heard and liked

39. A list of every song/tune I have ever heard and hated (so I know to NEVER listen to them again) 

40. A list of all the phone numbers I've ever had or will ever have

41. A list of all my favourite smells

42. A list of all the things I should not ever attempted (e.g. free diving)

43. A list of all the times I've procrastinated where using my time effectively would've actually improved my outcome rather than waiting for inspiration to strike

44. A list of all the people who've ever had feelings for me and not said

45. A list of all the times I've told people that the average gestation period for a sheep is 143 days- this is a piece of random trivia I pull out as an example of how I know useless trivia.

46. A list of all the people who have ever sung together with me (woopwoop, Kitchen Collective, Mini Music Makers, Junior Choir!)

47.  A list of all the things I've thrown away, gone to look for years later then been annoyed when I can't find them.

48. A list of all the locations of the missing teaspoons in my house

49. A list of all the names of the chickens that have ever lived in my garden (they ALL had/have names)

50. A list of all the books I've ever read

51. A list or some sort of note of all the videos/time I've spent watching videos on youtube. 

52. A list of all the times I've forgotten something due to alcohol consumption. This may provide some regrettable reading, but its better to know than not!

53. A list of all the times I've turned someone down

54. A list of all the times I've had brain freeze

55. A list of all the times I've said "I'll just have one square of chocolate" and then proceeded to eat an entire bar.

56. A list of all the times I've stayed up to watch the sunrise

57. A list of all the times I've stood up for myself. 

58. A list of all the times I've proven myself right (IN YOUR FACE!)

59. A list of all the times people talk about me when I'm not there

60. A list of all the times that I've watched an episode of a show repeatedly

61. Having said that, a list of all the Arthur episodes I am yet to see

62. A list of all the things that might've happened had I done that thing that I said I was going to do but then didn't

63. A list of all the people who read this entire list of lists

64. A list of all the people I am related to. This might seem odd, but I think it'd be interesting to know what my great great great great grandfather did with his life!

65. A list of all the languages I'd like to have implanted in my brain

66. A list of all the instruments I'd like to be able to play (Yesterday I saw this GORGEOUS curved soprano saxophone, and had I had more money and less sense I would've bought it on the spot) 

67. A list of all the things I've given up on because they were too hard- so I can go back in time and tell myself not to be such a quitter!

68. A list of all the beanie babies I ever owned (because I'm sure I lost some or accidental stole some of my sister's)

69. A list of all the people who have ever taught me a skill

70. A list of all the people who have ever taught me at school/university. If I tried hard enough I could do this right now, but I'm kinda busy finishing off this list, actually!

71. A list of all the people who I've had a positive impact on

72. A list of all the things I am afraid of- so I can work on them one at a time and slowly become FEARLESS AND INVINCIBLE. I'll start with fear of electrocution. That's easy. Light switches with dry hands and don't mess around with exposed wires.

73. A list of all the people I've ever worked with/for.

74. A list of all the projects I've ever been a part of

75. A list of all the shows I've ever seen (theatre that means! Not TV!)

76. A list of all the productions I've ever been involved in, in one way or another

77. A list of all the times I have tried to push my glasses up my nose only to find that I'm not wearing them

78. A list of all the glasses I've ever worn, come to think of it. There were some HORRIFIC pairs in my early years of wearing glasses.

79. A list of all the people that were ever horrible to me at school and their occupations. I hope at least some of them are doing something they hate :P  Although perhaps that's a bit spiteful. Ok, I hope some of them are doing something they hate for a bit. Better?

80. A list of all the times and places I've been camping!! Because I love camping!

81. A list of all the times that I've misread a map and its got me/and others lost. 

82. A list of conversions because I'm never sure how many inches are in a meter or anything!! 

83. A list of all the hats I've ever owned (and which ones were a big mistake)

84. A list of all the times I've under appreciated something, so I can go back in my head and appreciate it properly!

85. A list of all the different shapes of pasta I've ever eaten. My current favourite shape is fusilli bucati. But whatever, FATHER, we won't get that one from the shop ever because its too springy, apparently. 

86. A list of all the times I've overslept

87. A list of all the fictional people I've invented in my sleep

88. A list of all the times I've had dreams so vivid that I wasn't sure if they were real or not

89. A list of all the times I've had bizarre injuries

90. A list of how I got all those bruises that I'm never sure how they appeared

91. A list of reasons why I should never ever ever allow myself to be accidental locked in an aviary again.

92. A list of all the people who moved away when I was in primary school and what they're up to now... I wonder sometimes!

93. A list of all the super powers that would be good for me

94. A list of all my fictional superhero enemies, should I gain the superpowers as listed in list 93. I'm thinking possible candidates for this could be The Procrastinator or Mr. Anaphylaxis

95. A list of all the titles of the pictures I've ever had on my wall

96. A list of all the alcoholic beverages that I have ever drunk

97. A list of all the places I've been in the UK. Because there's a lot!

98. A list of all the horses I've ever ridden. This would be a short list, and would have to include photos. 

99. A list of all the gadgets that I've ever owned that have become obsolete within 2 years of me getting them.

100. A list of what I did every New Year's Eve I've ever experienced since I was born. I can remember probably the last 6 or 7 clearly but before that its a bit hazy! 

What about you? I'm sure there's some lists that you'd like to do for yourself that I've missed off! Let me know in the comments :) 

Today, this is me drinking a coffee the size of my head: 

Photo credit goes to Bernadette!

See you tomorrow!

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