Sunday 3 August 2014

The Thin Line Between Stagnation And Success

Hello Splodgies!

It's been a while since I've done a proper post because I've been so busy.

Which swiftly leads me into today's topic. The Thin Line Between Stagnation And Success.  What this basically means is, as far as being a creative person goes, keeping yourself doing something creative all the time. Because I sort of feel like if I hadn't been blogging for the past 74 days, then I might not have been at the place where I am now.

...Ok so its not as simple as that. Writing a blog full of strange things, or things I find funny or interesting has not saved me from creative stagnation. But if I hadn't been trying to write every day maybe I would've given up on writing, who knows? I can't really say "what if" because that would use up valuable thinking time that I could devote to something else. Like giraffes, for example. But whatever it is, its not worrying about what I haven't done. That's how I roll -cue sunglasses and walking away from an explosion-

I guess that what I'm trying to say is having nothing to do really really sucks. When you're unemployed it can feel like the void of nothingness is endless and all you can do is fill your time completing applications for jobs you don't even care about. It can be really easy to fall into a monotonous despair where it feels like nothing is every going to change. 

But the solution is to do other things! For me, that was writing (this blog amongst other things), teaching and playing ukulele, singing and getting back into performance after a period of absence. And none of these things were bringing me any money, but they gave my life some structure and something to enjoy. And even though I was still filling out job applications that I didn't care about, I was more active and involved in seeking out jobs that I did care about. And now, I have a job to start in September. 

Screw modesty, as I said to a friend the other day, because I worked really hard to get into this job. So I'm not going to pretend it was nothing and it was easy, because it was hard work sticking to my guns for as long as it took for this opportunity to come along. Things in my life rarely just happen to me,  so I'm pleased to say that the majority of good things in my life, I have made happen. 

Anyway, I'm going down to Somerset for a little while, so my next few posts might be heavily outdoorsy-themed with lots of pictures!

Today, this is me, contemplating:

See you tomorrow!

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