Thursday 7 August 2014

Another Busy Day In The Life Of A Human

Hello there, Splodgies! 

Today I have been very busy, cramming lots of things into my last day down here. Which, of course meant getting up earlier than 10am. At 10am, my mother and I walked through the woods to the camp site/horse riding place and were fitted with some helmets and told you which horses we were riding. My mum rode a horse called Indy and I rode a horse called Danny. 

Here's my mum on the horse just after we finished the ride:

Unfortunately, I couldn't get a picture of the horse I was riding, because as soon as I got off the horse they took him away and put him in the stable. I have no idea why... I thought I'd ridden quite well for someone who rides approximately once a year. Trotting was a lot less uncomfortable than last time. Anyway, the girl who came to take the horse away hadn't even seen me ride... whatever! And as I don't have a picture of him, I'll just tell you that he likes misbehaving and eating bracken. That's all I can tell you about him, truthfully! He was a nice horse to ride though. And it was nice to get back in the saddle... for my once yearly ride. Initially I hadn't been keen on getting on a horse again, because I was worried I might have become even more allergic to them, but I dosed myself up on loratadine and away we went! 

This was where we sat to have our lunch, some hours later: 

This is a little town called Lynmouth at the bottom of a cliff. At the top of the cliff is a town called Lynton. We visited that afterwards... well, we drove through it anyway. We stopped by some cliffs where there were lots of goats who seemed to have a dare devil approach to life. Although they have four legs rather than two and weren't wearing sandals totally inappropriate to mountain walking. Having said that though, we hadn't been planning on our slightly mountainous detour, it sort of just happened. And most of the path was tarmacked, which was admittedly unusual, but made out walking in Birkenstocks much easier. 

Back on this "lunch beach" in Lynmouth, there was someone flying a kite.

It's hard to tell from this picture, but there is a smiley face on this kite. I felt as though it were mocking me for my inability to fly. But, as I reasoned with thin air "I am not made of poles and plastic. I am made of flesh and poles. BONE POLES" 

Anyway, today, this is me: 

Hope this wasn't too boring a post.

See you tomorrow!


  1. Loveely place Rosa... I miss riding too...

    1. I only ride when I'm on holiday :) I always enjoy it though! Except for this one time when we went riding on the Isle of Arran where we just trudged along a road in a long line, turned around and came back- in the rain. Not like this ride, it was great, we went up through the woods and the mountain up onto the moors. Awesome!!
