Monday 25 August 2014

Jazzy Jazz Times

Good evening splodgekins!

I just got in from an evening listening to LJQ. The Q no longer stands for Quartet, but for Quintet. Potato Potahto. Sounded great though! 

I like jazz. The actual word jazz always makes me think of the prank call made on The Simpsons though:

Bart: Hi- I'm looking for a friend of mine. Last name Jass, first name Hugh

Moe: Is there a Hugh Jass in here? Somebody check the men's room for a Hugh Jass

Hugh Jass: I'm Hugh Jass!

Moe: Telephone-

Hugh Jass: Hello, this is Hugh Jass.

Bart: er...hi, I'm Bart Simpson...

Hugh Jass: What can I do for you, Bart?

Bart: Look, I'm gonna level with ya, this is a prank call that kinda backfired and I'd like to back out now. 

Hugh Jass: Ok, better luck next time!

....and I have always ALWAYS found this absolutely hilarious. Unfortunately I couldn't find any decent clips of it on youtube, and this is the best I could do:

Sorry the quality is so poor. But you get my drift...

....anyway, that's not the reason I like jazz! I like jazz because its cool!! I've always wanted to play saxophone, but when I tried to play my dad's tenor saxophone my hands were too small. And as they are unlikely to get any bigger, despite having long fingers, I think my best bet is to try playing an alto some point. When I can get around to it. I don't think I'm going to be playing jazz piano any time soon, given the appallingly out of tune piano in my house and the fact that I'll be moving soon... so for now, I'll stick to ukulele and singing.

What about you? Do you like jazz?? Do you recognise "The Jazz Nod" when you see it? Would you like to play jazz? Maybe you already do! Let me know in the comments. 

Today, this is me and Twinnyo enjoying some jazz:

See you tomorrow!

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