Friday 22 August 2014

What does your handwriting say about you??

Good evening!

...No this isn't going to be one of those weird BuzzFeed quiz things...The other day I was at a friend's barbecue (in the rain, obviously- this is Britain. But we bravely remained outside under a tent/marquee thingy an in the end it ended up being quite nice!) and the subject of handwriting came up. It made me think of this video is seen earlier on the week:

And then I was thinking about those crazy people who believe that you can tell all sorts of things about people from their handwriting. But someone at the table pointed out that it is a genuine profession (usually in forensics) to study the handwriting of other people- graphology. 

And even like in the video she talks about being able to tell if the writer is male or female and apparently there's some sort of statistics to back this up. If I'm honest there's not very many circumstances where you'd be able to justify spending money employing a person to do some form of psychological profiling on a person based on their handwriting. I really hope that that isn't anyone's full time job, rather a small part of their job. I think it's probably useful to be able to tell if the same person has written two pieces of script. But you don't need to be a genius to do that, I could do that!

But if you can tell things about a person from the way they write things, then what about when you consciously change the way you write things? So that eventually it just becomes the way you write naturally. I did this quite a few times. For example, I used to write capital letter G like this:

And now I write it like this:

Does the former way make me a different person to the current way?? Is it all superstitious crap?? Is there some real science here to be found?? If I'm honest, I no longer know what to think. But if you can tell me, let me know in the comments! 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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