Friday 1 August 2014

What People Say About You When You're Not There...

Good evening splodgies!!

I am nearly at the end of my very busy week, yet I am still very tired. But my hard work and busyness has paid off it seems, for today I was offered a community theatre practitioner internship- which is something I definitely want to be doing. I will have to move house to do it, but it will be worth it! I did have something else planned for tonight's post, but as I have missed out a couple of proper posts recently I think I will back track and do one of the posts I was supposed to do then. 

So, as the title says, I'm going to be talking about what people say about you when you're not there. 

Does anybody else get that paranoia that people are talking about you, just before you arrive/ just after you leave? Because...I do! And when someone says "Oh yeah we were talking about you" and you INSTANTLY want all the details on what was said? 

Not because of any vanity reasons, but more because of a ...wanting to know what was happening! And feeling indignant that you didn't already know because it should be like in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows where if someone mentions Voldemort, everyone knows about it and death eaters pop up everywhere. Except in real life, it should be someone mentions you, and then a little sprite appears and says "Whoever is talking about you! Want to teleport there?" and then you can! ...obviously there wouldhave to be some sort of do not disturb mode so you could sleep and do important things without interruption etc... but maybe I am being too strange about this. I reckon its all about context. Because for me, I'd want to hear regardless of whether it was a bad or good thing.

Like recently, I'd been for a few job interviews, and I'd really like to know what the interview panel had thought about me after I'd left (especially for the ones that I never heard from again) to hear what it was about whatever I'd said/done that had made me say whatever it was they were saying about me!! 

I'm not paranoid. I'm just nosey, I guess! (I think its hereditary) 

What do you think? Would you let a sprite whoosh you to wherever you were being talked about?? Would this take too long because people are always talking about you because you're the bee's knees?
Is this not what Facebook and Twitter are for?? Let me know in the comments! 

Tonight, this is me and my younger brother. Sorry its a bad picture, it was dark! :

See you tomorrow!

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